
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-06-27 in Neath with a pancake tutu.

Neath: Pancake Tutu Adventures! (Post #8394)

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, back with another sparkly post from your favourite pink-tutu-loving adventurer. Today I'm whisking you off to Wales, the land of mountains, myths, andā€¦ well, maybe not so much tutus. But Iā€™m going to change that!

This week, I took a rather whimsical journey to Neath, a charming little town in South Wales. I always prefer train journeys; the gentle rhythm of the rails, the scenic views, and the endless possibility of making new friends on board ā€“ maybe even a prince, if I'm lucky! (Spoiler alert, no prince sightings this time, but maybe next time!)

Neath is a truly lovely spot; a blend of old and new, a little bit bustling with markets, but also with hidden, peaceful corners waiting to be discovered. It was the perfect place to put my pancake tutu to the test!

Oh, did I tell you about the pancake tutu? Well, let me backtrack. I decided I needed a brand new tutu for this trip - something absolutely divine, but maybe a little more adventurous than my usual feather-trimmed beauties. So, I set about designing the ultimate "travel tutu", something comfortable enough for a train ride, light enough to twirl with abandon in any setting, and most importantly, with enough ā€œoomphā€ to turn heads.

Iā€™m a bit obsessed with vintage finds, so when I stumbled upon this glorious vintage, 50s style, cotton, floral patterned dress at a charity shop ā€“ the inspiration struck! My little seamstress heart was doing cartwheels. I grabbed it, imagining the most delicious pink tulle swirling underneathā€¦ And my Pancake Tutu was born! (Okay, so maybe "Pancake Tutu" isnā€™t the most sophisticated name, but it perfectly embodies the airy, billowy vibe. )

Pink Tutu Adventures in Neath

Anyway, with my Pancaketutu proudly on display, we ventured into Neath town centre. My first stop had to be the iconic Neath Market; I'm such a sucker for vibrant markets. This one didnā€™t disappoint; colourful stalls overflowing with everything from fresh produce and handmade crafts to antique treasures and a glorious selection of cheeses! I swear I felt a shiver of joy as I passed the stall stacked high with Welsh cheeses; there's nothing quite like the aroma of freshly cut cheese! Itā€™s enough to melt a cold, miserable soul - or at least make them reconsider a plant-based diet!

The market provided some brilliant photographic opportunities; a little pink tulle in amongst all that hustle and bustle! Thereā€™s nothing quite like posing for a few selfies with my Pancake Tutu. Don't judge me, but a good photo is my way of reliving the experience and creating little moments of pink-tutu magic.

Swansea Bay: Pink Tutu in the Wild

From Neath, we took a magical bus journey along the coast road, with the breathtaking views of the Gower Peninsula and Swansea Bay opening up on our left. This part of Wales is stunning! My favourite bit is the "windswept" feel, with big open skies and wild coastline. The salty air, the roar of the wavesā€¦ oh, itā€™s truly magical!

Swansea Bay itself is a picture of beauty, a massive stretch of sand bordered by clear blue water. We found a lovely little spot on the beach where we could perch with our takeaway tea and scones. I even treated myself to a delicious little Welsh "cwtch" - a kind of bread-and-butter pudding, only so much tastier and goodier. The best kind of gooeyness to enjoy on a summer afternoon with the salty air swirling all around you.

I felt like the luckiest girl on earth as I spun my Pancake Tutu in the sunshine, a swirling pink explosion on that incredible beach! Thereā€™s something wonderfully freeing about dancing by the seaside with a big smile and nothing to think about, except perhaps how delicious those scones are, and what to do with all the bits of "cwtch" stuck to my tutu!

*Adventures at the Neath Abbey: A Majestic, Magical Time Capsule! *

Our journey took us back towards Neath to a breathtaking site - Neath Abbey! The abbey ruins are a fascinating example of 12th-century architecture. I absolutely adore historical sites and spending time immersed in these magnificent ancient walls is simply magic. The peace and serenity of this spot is absolutely captivating!

It had this incredible energy; it felt alive with a silent kind of story-telling; the ruins spoke to me. Perhaps Iā€™m just overly imaginative, but I felt a palpable sense of history within those walls. I felt I could picture the monks, the daily life of the community here, their routines, their quiet prayer times and their moments of reflection. It truly is an awe-inspiring place!

The only downside to my visit was that a few mischievous ducks felt my Pancake Tutu was the perfect spot to nibble onā€¦ Those pesky creatures!

Twirling to the rhythm of Wales

Neath was, honestly, a whirlwind of pink tulle and charming Welsh discoveries. There's just something about the spirit of Wales that makes you want to dance and embrace the joy of every moment! I mean, even their countryside feels magical ā€“ think sprawling green fields, meandering streams, and cosy villages tucked away amongst rolling hills. Every single turn feels like a movie set, every stone wall holds secrets whispering on the wind! I could happily lose myself in the magical Welsh scenery for days.

Ballet for everyone

One thing I always make sure I do, wherever I go, is to seek out local ballet classes, or perhaps some kind of theatre show with a ballet influence. Thereā€™s always a bit of a ballerina hiding inside me! This time, we ventured to a wonderful little village dance studio tucked away near Neath. The instructor was a wonderful local lady, absolutely lovely!

My heart was full as we moved to the music, exploring classic ballet poses and steps in the warmth of that beautiful, sun-drenched studio. Even better, a few of the locals in class loved my Pancake Tutu. The more I twirl and encourage people to try it out, the more I realise how powerful pink tulle is! It inspires conversations, smiles and laughter ā€“ and maybe even some impromptu pirouettes. Who knows what beautiful dreams those little twirls might awaken?

Sharing the Tutu Love

Itā€™s honestly hard to choose a favourite part of my Neath adventures! There were just so many amazing little moments! I found a fantastic vintage record shop packed full of forgotten vinyl gems and had the most divine lunch of locally-sourced seafood by the beach. Then, there was the amazing street art we discovered tucked into an alleyway, just waiting to be photographed with my Pancaketu.

Ultimately, Neath reminded me just how precious and unique every place is. It's a beautiful, wild, friendly little place. And honestly, there's nowhere quite like Neath - it feels like a bit of hidden treasure that everyone should be able to discover and be inspired by.

The whole trip just reinforced my commitment to exploring, discovering new corners of the world, and leaving a little bit of pink tutu sparkle in every place I visit. Maybe next time you see me, Iā€™ll have my Pancake Tutu on!

I hope you've enjoyed following along with me on this adventure!

*Now, my darlings, tell me - have you got any favourite places in the UK you would like me to visit? I am eager to take my Pancake Tutu wherever you suggest! *

Remember to leave a comment below and subscribe to my blog! Until next time, happy twirling!

With love,

Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2019-06-27 in Neath with a pancake tutu.