Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-07-07 in Stretford with a purple tutu.

Stretford Sparkle: Post 8404 - Dancing on Clouds in a Purple Tutu

Hey darlings! It’s Emma here, back with another little snippet from my adventures in the land of pirouettes and pink tulle!

Today’s escapade? Stretford! I know, you’re thinking “Emma, Stretford? What’s so exciting about that?”. Trust me, lovelies, sometimes the most unexpected places offer the most fabulous surprises. This little corner of Greater Manchester wasn't exactly top of my “must-visit” list, but it turns out, I was completely wrong!

The day started as all the best days do: a cuppa, a croissant, and the soothing rhythm of Swan Lake on the radio while I did my usual morning warm-up. Yes, I know what you're thinking, "Swan Lake for breakfast? How sophisticated!”. Don’t judge, it sets me up for the day perfectly! After my morning ballet fix, I knew just the thing to kick-start the excitement: my gorgeous purple tutu. It’s a little less “classical ballerina” and a whole lot more “sparkle and twirl!”, perfect for exploring the unknown.

Stretford station wasn’t the usual Victorian beauty I often travel through. This one was a bit more functional, a touch more gritty… and it made my purple tutu pop even more! I embraced the urban chic, and took the station as an opportunity for a photoshoot, naturally. Who needs the Parisian metro when you have a Stretford platform, a purple tutu and a sunshine smile, right? 😉

Speaking of getting around, my journey today had a little touch of magic. As luck would have it, the train was running a bit late, so I got to take a ride on a horse-drawn carriage. That’s right! An actual carriage, complete with a horse and everything! It was a completely unexpected treat and brought a touch of vintage charm to my day. Turns out, Stretford has a hidden gem of a local transport service that uses horse-drawn carriages to take people to special events and destinations – you can bet I'm already planning my next carriage trip!

Once in Stretford itself, the surprises just kept coming. I found myself exploring a bustling market, bursting with vibrant stalls overflowing with local produce and artisan crafts. From colourful fruits and vegetables, to handmade jewelry and art prints, it was a sensory feast for the soul. It made me yearn for my own craft shop, stocked with handmade ballet tutus and sparkly things, just like a modern-day fairy tale. I bet they don't sell tutus at Stretford Market, though... I wonder what I could convince the stallholders to do with a little twirl and some glitter?! 😉

As always, I couldn't leave without a little dance, could I? After my market tour, I stumbled upon the most enchanting little dance studio tucked away in a quiet corner of town. You’d be surprised, but even in Stretford, you can find real gems hiding in plain sight. After some stretching and a chat with the friendly instructors, I had the privilege of joining in for an hour of jazz. I was truly transported – not just to Stretford, but back to my happy place, a room filled with dancers, their passion radiating like sunshine through the windows.

This led me to think… wouldn't it be fantastic to have a Pink Tutu Street Ballet performance right in the middle of Stretford market next time? Imagine the joy and excitement! People shopping for groceries and fresh fruit, stopping in their tracks to watch the magic of movement, and the beauty of ballet! That would be something truly special wouldn’t it? I’m sure I can convince a few Stretford residents to put on their tutus, whether pink, purple or plain white. Wouldn't that be a vision of community and artistic expression?

Anyway, enough rambling from me, stretford has completely charmed me. Who knew there was such hidden treasure just a little hop away from my little corner of Derbyshire? Maybe we'll even make a pilgrimage back there soon for more twirling, exploring and dancing. And for my next adventure, I’m definitely keeping the tutu packed, it’s an excellent outfit for finding the extraordinary in the ordinary. Remember, you don't have to be a ballerina to live like one! All you need is a little twirl in your heart, and the confidence to rock your own unique style.

That’s all for now my lovelies, until next time! Remember to twirl and embrace the world!

Always with a twinkle in my eye,

Emma x www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2019-07-07 in Stretford with a purple tutu.