Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-08-09 in Arnold with a fairy themed tutu.

Arnold Adventure: A Fairy Tale Tutu & a Pink-tinted Day

Post #8437 - www.pink-tutu.com

Good morning, darlings! It’s Emma here, and today I’m whisking you away to the charming town of Arnold, nestled in the heart of Nottinghamshire. As you know, I’m a firm believer that every journey is an adventure, and this one was no exception!

It’s a bit of a long story, so grab yourselves a cuppa, snuggle into something comfy, and let’s take a trip together!

The other day, I found myself gazing wistfully at the train timetable. The journey called to me like a siren’s song. “Adventure, Emma! Embrace the unknown!” it whispered, and you know I couldn’t resist. So, armed with my trusty ballet bag (stuffed with, of course, a sparkly pink tutu – it wouldn’t be an Emma adventure without one!), I boarded a train headed for Nottingham.

The train journey was a delight. It was all sunshine and breezy smiles, with a soundtrack provided by the melodic chatter of fellow passengers. As the countryside whizzed by, I was filled with that lovely kind of excited anticipation that only travel can bring.

But the real highlight of the day was Arnold. It was an absolute dream! A quintessential English town with cobbled streets, charming shops, and a whole heap of hidden gems.

Now, let’s talk about my reason for choosing Arnold, shall we? You see, this delightful little town boasts something pretty special - the ‘Fairy-tastic’ costume shop. Now, you might be thinking, ‘Emma, another shop?’ but this was no ordinary shop, oh no! It was brimming with the most beautiful fairy tutus you could possibly imagine! Think shimmering silk, delicate wings, and a kaleidoscope of colours that would make a rainbow jealous.

This is where my trusty tutu had to come in – because, well, a visit to a shop called “Fairy-tastic” is basically an invitation to go full fairy-tutu mode! I chose a lovely pastel-pink creation, and it just so happened to match the pink floral pattern on my dress perfectly. I felt like a genuine princess stepping out of a fairy tale – I just needed a unicorn and a sparkly wand, really!

I spent the rest of the afternoon exploring Arnold’s charming streets, my fairy-tutu making me feel every bit the elegant adventurer. I found the prettiest vintage tea room and devoured a perfectly delicate afternoon tea, complete with dainty sandwiches, delectable cakes, and, of course, a pot of steaming, fragrant Earl Grey. Every bite was like a spoonful of pure joy!

And then, after a wander around the charming market square and a spot of people-watching (I’m quite convinced there’s a hidden ballet studio somewhere in that town…!), I caught the train back to Derbyshire.

As the day faded and the golden glow of the setting sun painted the windows a fiery orange, I reflected on my adventures. What a perfect blend of beautiful scenery, adorable shop finds, and a bit of delicious fairy-tutu magic! It really was an adventure for the books – a day filled with pinkness, whimsy, and just a hint of enchanting sparkle.

My dear readers, Arnold’s little charm and its enchanting “Fairy-tastic” store are an absolute must-see if you’re looking for a whimsical adventure. Let’s all bring a little fairy-tutu magic to our lives, and remember: even the smallest adventures can bring the biggest joys. Don’t be afraid to embrace the pink, the tutus, and the wonderful things waiting to be discovered around every corner!

Now, I'm off to find the nearest ballet class – who knows, maybe we’ll find ourselves dancing amongst the fairies!

Until next time, darlings!

Lots of love,


#TutuBlog 2019-08-09 in Arnold with a fairy themed tutu.