Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-10-11 in Bournville with a narrow tutu.

Bournville Bliss: A Pink Tutu Adventure! 🩰

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad blogger, coming to you live from… drumroll… Bournville! Yes, you heard me right, this delightful little village in Birmingham is the latest stop on my dance-filled journey, and let me tell you, it’s been an absolute whirlwind of delightful surprises!

This is post number 8500 for my beloved www.pink-tutu.com, which means it's a good day to talk about… wait for it … TUTUS! But not just any tutus, no, no, no! I'm talking about the perfect tutu for a day of exploring Bournville. Think: elegant, flowy, just a tad cheeky, and most importantly, pink, my darling, pink! It's a narrow tutu, perfect for navigating cobbled streets and dashing through the gardens of the famous Cadbury World (more on that later!) and the ultimate expression of "chic yet practical", a combination that resonates with my inner fashionista.

This little adventure started with a leisurely train journey from Derbyshire. As usual, I embraced the chance to strike a few poses – because every train carriage is a potential stage, right? – and chatted with fellow passengers about all things dance. It always amazes me how a shared passion for ballet can create an instant connection. It’s almost as if we speak a secret language, a language of pirouettes and arabesques!

Speaking of connecting with people, let me tell you, the atmosphere in Bournville was positively infectious. A cheery “hello” here, a delightful chuckle there, it felt like everyone was genuinely happy to have me as a part of their charming community. It's always lovely to be surrounded by warmth and friendliness, isn't it?

Now, onto Cadbury World. I mean, honestly, how could I possibly resist? It’s practically a shrine to chocolate! As soon as I stepped inside, the delicious aroma of cocoa filled my senses, and before I knew it, I was twirling through exhibits like a ballerina in a chocolate dreamland. There were demonstrations of how Cadbury treats are made, an amazing history section, and even an opportunity to ride a chocolate-themed rollercoaster. It was almost too much fun for one girl to handle! I can’t forget to mention the Cadbury shop. Imagine a land of milk chocolate mountains and candy-colored delights, all ready for your consumption. If I wasn't on a dance tour, I might have lived there!

Of course, no visit to Bournville would be complete without experiencing its beautiful architecture and greenery. I spent a lovely afternoon exploring the stunning Bournville Village Trust, a place bursting with character and history. The Victorian houses, perfectly preserved and radiating charm, gave me some serious architectural inspiration! Imagine my delight when I found the most stunning weeping willow draped across a picturesque pond. The colours, the gentle breeze through the willow branches… it was an image straight out of a fairytale, and you bet I made sure to get the perfect Instagram photo in front of it, tutu and all!

But you know what I’ve missed most during my time in Bournville? Sharing this joy with all of you. The thrill of a first-class tutu moment, the captivating beauty of the architecture, the chocolatey delights at Cadbury World – it's all worth sharing!

So, tell me darlings, are you ready for the ultimate challenge? It’s time to dust off those pink tutus, channel your inner ballerina, and join me on this adventure! Don’t be shy; even if you haven’t ever danced in your life, there's no better time to take the plunge. Whether it’s twirling in your living room or joining a local class, embrace your inner ballerina and let's paint the world pink, one tutu-clad step at a time!

Don't forget to follow my adventures on www.pink-tutu.com for daily doses of dance, fashion, and fabulous travel tales! Until next time, my lovelies, keep twirling and be fabulous! 💕

#TutuBlog 2019-10-11 in Bournville with a narrow tutu.