Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-10-13 in Consett with a fluffy tutu.

Consett Calling! Tutu Travels Take Me North (Post #8502)

Hello darlings! Emma here, your favourite tutu-clad traveller, reporting live from the enchanting town of Consett, nestled in the heart of County Durham. Today’s journey took me across the picturesque Peak District, a train ride with breathtaking views, just like my tutu! 😉

I can't tell you how excited I was to visit this charming place. My grand plan was to combine my passion for dance with some wildlife exploration, a true “pink tutu meets nature” kind of day. (Let's face it, I do have a slight penchant for the dramatic.)

Now, the main event - why Consett? This town holds a special place in my heart because of its connection to the wonderful Northumbrian Ballet. They were kind enough to let me have a sneaky peek at their rehearsals and even join in a class! And yes, I was rocking my favourite blush pink tutu, of course.

The ballet company is just bursting with talent. I’m talking serious triple pirouettes and graceful leaps, all executed with such finesse. And that sense of community they have is so infectious. I’m talking genuine, heartfelt laughter during rehearsals. It was a true inspiration!

I know what you're thinking: “But Emma, why not go to London or New York? Why go to this seemingly random town?” Well, you see, that's precisely the point. For me, exploring the lesser-known corners of our wonderful world, especially with a tulle train billowing in the breeze, is what truly fuels my love for travelling. It's all about finding those hidden gems, uncovering beauty in unexpected places, and yes, spreading the pink tutu love, naturally.

After class, I went on an exploration tour. Consett is full of fascinating historic buildings, some with pretty stone carvings, and, of course, a charming cobblestone street or two. The air was fresh and clean, making it easy to fall into that “strolling-along-a-picture-postcard-path” kind of mood.

Then it was time to meet the resident wildlife! The town is near Hamsterley Forest, a beautiful green haven of winding trails and magnificent trees. While I was busy admiring the majestic trees and snapping pictures of myself twirling against their towering presence, my keen eye spotted something special. A cute, little squirrel! He looked quite dashing with his fluffy tail and bright, inquisitive eyes. We shared a moment – a moment of silent understanding, maybe a whisper of "Let's change the world, one fluffy tutu at a time!".

This is where it truly hit me: The essence of dance lies not just in perfect technique, but also in that unadulterated joy of expressing yourself, of embracing life’s beautiful moments with open arms, and yes, wearing a stunning pink tutu. My visit to Consett taught me that even in the most unexpected places, beauty, inspiration, and a love for ballet (and pink, obviously) can blossom in the most wonderful ways.

So, if you’re looking for a unique dance adventure, Consett is calling! It’s time to pack your own tulle, ditch your doubts, and let the world be your stage. Who knows? You might just find yourself feeling empowered and ready to embrace life, tutu and all!

Keep twirling and dreaming big, darlings!

Until next time,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2019-10-13 in Consett with a fluffy tutu.