
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-11-20 in Basildon with a heavy tutu.

Basildon Bound: A Tutu Tale (#8540)

Hello, darlings! Itā€™s your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, here, ready to whisk you away on another glamorous adventure. Today's destination? The vibrant town of Basildon, nestled in the heart of Essex! You might be thinking, ā€œBasildon? Isnā€™t that just, wellā€¦Basildon?ā€. But believe me, dearies, even the most unexpected places can surprise you with hidden gems ā€“ just like this sassy tutu-loving blogger discovered!

Now, you know I live for a grand train journey ā€“ the rumble of the tracks, the rustling of magazines, the soft clickety-clack of my trusty heeled ballet pumps tapping the floor, all add to the romanticism of the occasion. This journey was no different, and even though I did miss my horse, Ferdinand, (he gets jealous easily, you know, when I leave him for a train ride!) I must say, Basildon's train station offered a vibrant welcome with its cheeky mosaic mural - a touch of modern art that definitely made me smile.

My heart beat with anticipation for my main mission: A trip to the brilliant Basildon Arts Centre for a special ballet workshop. The place was buzzing with energy! I love those first few steps into a new studio, the scent of old wood and sweat lingering, a sense of community palpable, and of course, the most beautiful sound ā€“ the rhythmic tapping of a hundred pairs of dancing shoes! I was ready to dive in, twirl, and pirouette alongside fellow ballet enthusiasts.

Speaking of which, can I just tell you about the most incredible bunch of ballerinas I met? From seasoned professionals to eager beginners, there was a delightful mix of experience levels, and a genuine love for the art form shone through them all. The instructor was divine, with such grace and patience, helping everyone perfect their moves. And did I tell you she was wearing the most gorgeous fuchsia-hued tutu? A truly inspirational woman, my dear readers, proving that pink isn't just for princesses, but also for powerful female leaders!

We dove right into some barre work, stretching and strengthening our muscles, feeling the burn in our thighs and calves, a delicious feeling if you know what I mean! The instructor guided us with confidence, giving detailed corrections, building upon the basics and encouraging us to delve deeper into the art form. Oh, the joy of learning, my dears, is truly exhilarating! We even tried a challenging new piece that involved leaping across the floor, feeling the air rush past our faces as we soared. Imagine my delight!

As the workshop concluded, my body was a bit tired but my spirit was so invigorated. I always feel a newfound burst of energy after a dance session, especially when surrounded by like-minded souls. The Basildon Arts Centre provided a perfect setting for this, the space light and airy, perfect for showcasing those breathtaking pirouettes!

Feeling peckish, my trusty travel journal clutched in hand, I decided to take a stroll through Basildon town centre. A quaint place, I must say, with some really lovely independent shops. It wouldnā€™t have felt right to go all the way to Essex and not take in the local delights, would it? And guess what? I stumbled upon the most fabulous little vintage clothing store, bursting with unique and funky finds. Naturally, I just HAD to browse! And what did I find nestled in amongst the retro garments? A blush-pink tutu, so unbelievably soft and perfectly vintage, practically calling out my name! It had my name written all over it, no ifs or buts. A beautiful little trinket to remind me of my day!

My walk culminated at the lovely Eastgate Shopping Centre. While Iā€™m not always the biggest fan of a traditional mall, Eastgate had a definite charm to it. After all, it was just down the road from the stunning Basildon Town Park - a little piece of tranquility right in the heart of the town. Imagine my delight when I found an absolutely fabulous vintage tea room nestled in amongst the shops - my love for all things elegant and delightful made me completely swoon. It's the kind of place that instantly makes you feel as though you've been transported to another era, and the dainty cakes and pot of freshly brewed tea really cemented that feeling. The perfect way to wind down my adventure in Basildon.

Basildon, you truly charmed me! The perfect blend of small-town charm with a healthy dose of modern energy. Itā€™s the kind of place thatā€™s easy to explore on foot, to get lost in the side streets, and discover all sorts of little delights ā€“ not unlike finding that perfectly pink vintage tutu!

Now, youā€™re all probably thinking, what about the wildlife Emma? Well, you see, the local wildlife decided to leave their calling cards on me today - a flock of adorable little birds - but with not so delightful droppings! But you know, that's part of the beauty of being outdoors. It's about experiencing the elements, connecting with nature, and embracing a little chaos! And trust me, a bit of bird poop is nothing when you've just spent a magical day in a vibrant town like Basildon.

My dear readers, please don't forget, your personal journey starts with taking a leap of faith ā€“ whether it's hopping on a train to an unknown destination, trying out a new class, or finding that hidden vintage treasure.

Stay fabulous, and never, ever, stop twirling! And remember, darling, my advice to you is: "If you don't want to wear pink, you have to be ok with wearing red! " Now, letā€™s get back to those delightful tutus, shall we? There are many a dance to be had, my dears, so letā€™s embrace our inner pink-loving ballerina and twirl into the sunset!

Until next time!

Yours in pink,



#TutuBlog 2019-11-20 in Basildon with a heavy tutu.