Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-12-10 in Chelmsford with a cyan tutu.

Chelmsford Calling: A Cyan Dream

Post Number: 8560

Hello my darlings! Emma here, writing to you from the heart of Essex, Chelmsford to be precise, and feeling utterly fabulous in a brand-new, cyan tutu! (Yes, I know I said *pink, but a girl can't be tied to one colour, can she? Especially when it comes to tutus, and especially when a cyan tutu catches your eye like a magical, dancing fairy!)

Now, this trip was a bit different, as I traded in my trusty steed for a rumble on the railway – a long, glamorous journey on the train to get me here. There’s nothing quite like watching the English countryside whizz by, listening to a little something sweet on my Spotify playlist and dreaming of twirls.

My goal this trip? To spread a little bit of tutu magic, and a whole lot of love for the graceful art of ballet. And you know what? I’ve been positively overwhelmed with the love already.

*First stop? A spot of lunch at The Café at the River. *

It was all sunshine and giggles as I slipped into a corner booth with my trusty pink handbag slung over my shoulder and devoured the most delightful cucumber and feta sandwich. You wouldn’t believe the conversations that happen when you’re sitting in a pastel pink tutu with your dainty china teacup. Someone even asked if I was from a circus – imagine that! Maybe next time I’ll bring my sequined tights…

Next, it was off to Chelmsford Ballet Centre for an afternoon of delightful classes!

As a true lover of the art, I was positively swooning at the beautiful, spacious studios bathed in a glorious warm light. It was just my kind of setting! The moment my pointe shoes touched the wooden floor, the world outside faded away and I was lost in a whirl of arabesques and pirouettes. Even the other dancers seemed to be wearing a touch of pink – a pink ribbon on their bun, a splash of pink nail varnish. My little cyan tutu definitely stood out, bringing a fresh, sparkling touch to the traditional class atmosphere.

But my adventures didn’t end there! The day wouldn’t have been complete without a visit to the Chelmsford Civic Theatre for their newest production, ‘The Nutcracker’!

The theatre was a dream in itself – classic and charming, bathed in a gentle glow. And oh, the magic of ballet! It was like stepping into another world, filled with enchanting choreography, a heartwarming story, and music that stirred my very soul. And let’s not forget the costumes! The snow queen looked absolutely breathtaking, while the Sugar Plum Fairy had a tutu that could melt the coldest heart.

The highlight of my evening? It has to be the little girl in the audience who ran up to me at the end and excitedly exclaimed, “Your tutu is beautiful, you look just like a ballerina! “ Moments like that remind me of why I do this – why I dance, why I write, and why I strive to spread a little pink-tutu magic to the world!

And then? Well, it was time to enjoy a peaceful night in my little Chelmsford hotel. I sipped a cup of chamomile tea, penned down my adventures in my pink journal (it has a gorgeous ballerina dancing on the front cover, naturally!) and fell asleep dreaming of tutus, twirls, and all things ballet.

The biggest take-away from this trip? Chelmsford is absolutely brimming with an amazing ballet community, eager for magic and ready to share their passion. It’s reminded me once again how incredibly beautiful the world can be, when we embrace a little artistry and a whole lot of tutus.

So, until next time my darlings, stay stylish and keep dancing! And don’t forget, if you’re ever in need of a dose of ballet inspiration, just head on over to www.pink-tutu.com.

Yours truly,

Emma, The Pink Tutu Blogger

#TutuBlog 2019-12-10 in Chelmsford with a cyan tutu.