Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-12-20 in Rayleigh with a pink tutu.

Rayleigh, Darling! Post 8570

Oh my goodness, you guys! This week's been a whirlwind of pink tulle and tutus, and I’ve just got to share it all with you. If you’re ready for a blog post brimming with excitement and more than a hint of pink sparkle, keep reading!

Now, I don’t want to bore you with the details of the journey. You see, I did something a little different this time – I rode to Rayleigh in style, by horseback! Well, not my own horse, obviously. (Although wouldn’t it be lovely to own a horse called ‘Tutu’?) No, I joined a local equestrian group on their sponsored trek from Derbyshire. They raise money for the wonderful Horsewatch Charity. It was truly magical. Galloping through the English countryside in a gorgeous pink riding outfit... Honestly, it's the stuff of fairytale dreams!

Speaking of dreams, Rayleigh was my ultimate ballet dream. Let me explain...

A Ballet Haven

For weeks, I’d been hearing whisperings about the ‘Rayleigh Royal Ballet School’. Whispers that the most talented choreographers, teachers, and dancers were converging in this charming seaside town for a spectacular week-long performance. This school has been at the heart of ballet in Essex for over a century and holds a place of such reverence in the ballet world that even I, with my humble, but nevertheless mighty, blog, felt the pull of its enchantment.

I landed (well, galloped) in Rayleigh late Thursday evening, and you wouldn’t believe the sheer volume of tulle! Everywhere I looked, the most divine pink tutus were shimmering under the street lamps. I knew I was in the right place. I spent the next morning flitting about town, popping into boutiques brimming with adorable ballet paraphernalia (including the cutest pink leotards!), and catching up with a couple of my favourite bloggers - Poppy and Lulu (of course they’d chosen this week to grace the town with their presence too!). We all have a mutual admiration for ballet and pink tutus, and, oh darling, was this a good time to have all our calendars align!

Under the Big Top

The afternoon was the moment I'd been waiting for - The Rayleigh Royal Ballet's grand production of Swan Lake beneath a giant pink tent! (I told you they’re absolutely crazy about pink, haven’t I?) I had a box seat (pink, of course) and let me tell you, darling, it was mind-blowing! It felt like the entire world was on its toes with the dancers! Their strength, grace, and pure joy as they weaved their stories was magical. You know, it always reminds me why I’m so passionate about sharing my own ballet adventures. The whole point of life is to express oneself, and if that means twirling in a tutu for the whole world to see, then so be it!

Pink Tulle & Sunshine

My time in Rayleigh had to end sooner than I wanted. The pink tent was already packed up, and the sun had just dipped below the horizon. But the sky had become the most perfect pink canvas you've ever seen, the colours dancing just like those fabulous ballerinas in the performance. My time at the Rayleigh Royal Ballet School was such an inspirational journey! From riding my borrowed steed (with pink reins!), meeting incredible ballet friends and witnessing the magic of ‘Swan Lake’, it was everything a pink-tutu loving, ballet-obsessed, 20-something girl could dream of!

As I waved goodbye to this beautiful seaside town, I realised, with all my heart, that Rayleigh was the perfect embodiment of pink-tutu heaven. A haven of dancing, creativity, and boundless joy – it really does prove that wearing a pink tutu can open up so many wonderful doors!

**So, dear reader, what’s next? Well, tomorrow's an exciting day - a long, luxurious journey through the English countryside by train. I'll be on a special journey to meet up with my favourite ballet tutor for an intense lesson. More importantly, I'm planning to sneak in a bit of time at "The Swan Inn," an enchanting pub with a quirky history of ... you guessed it!… ballerinas. The Swan Inn has always had a special place in ballet history, dating back centuries! (I wonder if it even still serves tea with a splash of pink, oh, I must have a photo with a pink cup. My blog followers would love it!)

You know, the truth is, every day is an opportunity for us to live like we’re in our own pink-tutu ballet. So what’s stopping you from wearing a pink tutu and embracing your inner ballerina, darlings? What’s stopping you from jumping on that train and finding your own, perfectly pink ballet adventure? I’d love to hear from you! Comment on my post and let me know about your next adventure in the world of ballet - and of course, be sure to send me all your pics! (But please… if it’s pink, it's gotta go up on my instagram. )

Catch you later darlings!

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2019-12-20 in Rayleigh with a pink tutu.