Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-12-22 in Bath with a narrow tutu.

Bath - Post #8572 - A Pink Tutu & A Narrow Escape

Helloooo lovelies! It’s your girl Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the beautiful city of Bath and already aching for more. As a self-proclaimed ballerina-at-heart, there’s something truly magical about stepping into a new city and feeling the rhythmic pulse of history all around you. Bath is steeped in history, every cobbled street and grand Georgian townhouse whispering tales of grand balls and elaborate dances.

This time, however, I was travelling with a new challenge – my trusty pink tutu was in a bit of a pickle! The train carriage was ridiculously packed, and my beloved tulle got caught in the luggage rack, creating a very real 'narrow tutu' situation. Thankfully, a kind gentleman - who also happened to be a ballet fan, how amazing is that?! - helped me extricate the tulle masterpiece and my ruffled dreams remained intact. It just goes to show, even with the best laid plans (and packing), life can throw you a curveball – especially when you’re determined to rock a pink tutu on every adventure.

Speaking of curveballs, one of the highlights of my trip was watching the Royal Ballet perform Giselle at the Theatre Royal Bath. I could have cried with joy. Giselle’s ethereal grace, the power of Albrecht's betrayal, the hauntingly beautiful choreography of the Wilis… it was a masterpiece! I practically swapped my ballet shoes for my own Giselle costume – thankfully, it stayed in the suitcase, but let’s be honest, sometimes, the only way to get a good photo is with a spontaneous tutu change.

The other side of my trip was more focused on that timeless “ballet in unexpected places” charm that I love. One afternoon, I ventured to the Jane Austen Centre. I’m a huge Jane Austen fan, so it was delightful to be transported back in time. Imagine my excitement when I discovered a little hidden dance studio right near the Centre! The beautiful teacher was called Miss B, and her lessons are so fun - all the lovely moves, all the elegance! My pirouette skills are definitely improving – though I can’t deny I’m still more “flamboyant flourish” than “precise poise.” I may not be as graceful as a swan, but you know, my tutu game is definitely on point!

Bath has a special place in my heart now. You can’t go wrong with a charming old town filled with breathtaking architecture and the buzz of creative energy. I especially enjoyed strolling along the Pulteney Bridge. Did you know it’s one of only four bridges in the world to have shops built along both sides? I snapped so many photos!

The best thing about travelling as a pink-tutu-loving ballet fan? The unexpected encounters. One morning, as I was walking to ballet class, I noticed a sign for “The Bath Wildlife Park”. Now, this was the type of twist I’d been hoping for – because the chance to encounter nature while wearing a pink tutu ? That’s just sheer brilliance!

I must confess, the first thing that struck me about The Bath Wildlife Park was the sheer number of vibrant pink flamingos – a match made in fashion heaven! It turns out, the park has one of the biggest flamingo collections in the UK, which just goes to show, fate was definitely working in my favor!

As I wandered through the park, mesmerized by the majestic creatures and colorful feathers, I was suddenly reminded why I adore wearing a pink tutu. The sheer freedom of expression, the way it sparks joy, the ability to move with such a playful lightness—it's the perfect embodiment of my journey of discovery.

Of course, my visit to the wildlife park wouldn’t have been complete without a little tutu-inspired performance. I waltzed around the flamingo enclosure with all the elegance and precision of a true ballerina – I might even have done a mini "pas de deux" with a cheeky monkey! Okay, the monkey wasn't actually involved, but that's a good story for another time.

It's funny, how sometimes the greatest adventures start with a simple twirl and a touch of pink. Bath, you’ve been a dream! I leave you all with the mantra of the tutu, which also seems to sum up this week beautifully – always aim for joy, spread smiles, and dance with your heart! I can’t wait to tell you all about my next adventure – maybe I'll find an exciting new location with even more opportunities for a spontaneous tutu twirl. Until next time, you can find me at www.pink-tutu.com!

Lots of love,


#TutuBlog 2019-12-22 in Bath with a narrow tutu.