
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-01-14 in East Ham with a pink tutu.

East Ham: Tutu-ing around the City ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’•

Post 8595 | www.pink-tutu.com | 14th January 2020

Hey Tutu Tribe! ๐Ÿ‘‹

Today's post is a bit different! I've swapped my usual countryside adventures for a blast of urban excitement in East Ham. Honestly, who knew this part of London had such a vibrant heart? But as you know, my tutu twirls around wherever there's a good time to be had, and a little exploration is always welcome, especially when it involves a pink tutu and a lot of ballet inspiration. ๐Ÿ’•

This trip began with a delightful train journey โ€“ nothing beats gazing out the window, enjoying the scenery whizzing past and feeling the rhythm of the train in my very pink soul. (I'm not gonna lie, a few heads did turn as I entered the carriage... Tutu Power, I tell you!)

Pink Paradise in East Ham

East Ham surprised me with its artistic spirit. A quirky vintage shop overflowing with vintage clothes (naturally, I had to get a couple of new sparkly things to add to my Tutu Collection), a hidden artisan cafe where the owner told me about their upcoming theatre production (ballet-themed, of course!), and a street mural that practically begged to be photographed with my pink tutu โ€“ what's a girl to do? ๐Ÿฉฐ

After a morning of discovering hidden gems, I stumbled upon an incredible ballet school nestled between some Victorian terrace houses. The exterior looked charming, with graceful arabesques painted onto the facade. My curiosity took over, and I just had to poke my head in! Turns out they were having a "Ballet for Beginners" session that afternoon. Now, you all know I love a good ballet class, even when Iโ€™m not at my regular Derbyshire school. So naturally, I had to jump in.

The session was fantastic! The teacher, a lovely lady with fiery red hair and eyes that twinkled with passion for dance, welcomed everyone with open arms and an infectious enthusiasm. You could tell everyone was there because they simply loved dancing. Some were starting out, others had some prior experience. There were ladies whoโ€™d never worn a tutu before, let alone even thought about attending a ballet class!

By the end, the whole room was buzzing with positivity, everyone brimming with joy, smiles lighting up their faces, and not a single nervous look. This experience was what my "EveryBODY can Dance" campaign is all about!

Ballet Power

That evening, I popped over to a local theatre where an up-and-coming dance troupe was showcasing a contemporary piece inspired by London's street art. It was powerful, full of energy and, let's face it, it wouldn't have been the same without those perfectly timed tutu twirls. ๐Ÿ˜Š

An Evening Under the Stars

My adventures in East Ham wouldn't be complete without a trip to the East Ham Central Park. The city's bright lights shone above me, creating a magical sky of stars. With my pink tutu billowing in the gentle evening breeze, I let the peace of the park wash over me. It felt good to escape the city's buzz for a while. As I walked through the paths, I thought about the incredible day I'd had and the little moments of beauty I'd found. The vintage finds, the passion of the ballet students, the incredible performance... each little piece of magic was connected by a thread of vibrant pink! ๐Ÿ’•

Sharing the Love of Tutu

This whole experience in East Ham got me thinking about what it really means to embrace your inner Tutu Goddess!

You know, we often forget to see the beauty in everyday moments. To find joy in the simple things. To embrace the freedom of twirling and the confidence of being yourself, tutu or not!

My dream is for everyone to experience that feeling of joy. That liberation! The pure delight of letting yourself go. Even if it's just for a few minutes a day. Maybe try some pirouettes in the kitchen? Or a grand jetรฉ down the street (with a little caution of course!). Let your inner Tutu Goddess out, unleash those dreams, and dare to try something new!

I truly believe that every day is an opportunity to add a touch of sparkle and whimsy to the world. Embrace it! Spread that Tutu magic! And hey, if you ever see a pink tutu flitting around London, it just might be me. Stop me and say hello! We'll definitely have a Tutu moment together. ๐Ÿ’–

Remember: It's a Tutu-full world out there! So go out there, embrace it, and let's twirl together.

With a twirling heart, Emma

#TutuBlog 2020-01-14 in East Ham with a pink tutu.