Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-03-13 in Scarborough with a red tutu.

Scarborough Calling: A Red Tutu Adventure!


Hello my gorgeous girlies! It’s Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu loving ballerina.

This week, I decided to swap the familiar fields of Derbyshire for the seaside delights of Scarborough. And yes, my pink tutu made the journey! This time, however, I'd chosen a fiery red tutu with glittering accents – just perfect for a seaside adventure. It felt like I'd stepped right into a fairytale.

The journey to Scarborough was, of course, a very special one. My Dad and I took the train. We always find time to hop on the train together. The clattering rhythm, the view flitting by - it's magical. It's like we’re dancing together on steel tracks! And of course, my tutu and I always sit in a window seat for a front-row view. I must admit, I do find it's much more exciting than sitting on a bus or driving.

The second we arrived in Scarborough, I felt a thrill in my soul, like a thousand pink feathers fluttering in the seaside breeze. Scarborough is packed full of beautiful, history-laden streets with shops that sell seashells and sparkly souvenirs and candy. And the harbour! It's a place full of the salty tang of the ocean, fishermen mending their nets, and seagulls squawking. I feel so peaceful in this wonderful environment, just breathing in that air and imagining myself gliding across the stage in the majestic Scarborough Spa.

After checking into a delightful bed and breakfast (complete with a dressing table that made me feel like a Victorian princess!), my Daddy and I wandered around the town, spotting seagulls perched precariously on roofs and children making sandcastles on the beach. I've always adored birds - watching them dance in the sky, soaring with grace, is simply inspiring! Their little wing flutters and quick changes of direction are just like ballet in the air.

In the evening, we went to the open-air theatre - such a treat! The air was filled with the sound of music and the cheers of the audience, the stars twinkling overhead. We saw an enchanting production of Romeo and Juliet - such passion and drama on stage! It left me yearning to twirl my own red tutu under the moonlight!

Afterward, we enjoyed fish and chips by the harbour, a classic British seaside treat. I couldn’t help but feel that all the romance of Romeo and Juliet and the beauty of the seaside combined with my scarlet tutu was creating a fairy tale around me. It was a special feeling, something truly magical.

On our second day in Scarborough, I found a small ballet class at the town hall - a perfect chance to unleash my inner dancer! I was greeted by a warm group of smiling ladies. I did a quick change, getting myself ready for the class - a ballet class with a red tutu is a real show stopper, I must admit, and always a lot of fun! My bright red tutu stood out in the classroom. I felt myself blushing under their encouraging smiles and then, the music started and everything disappeared apart from the joy of the dance! It was such a fun and exhilarating hour, feeling my body move with grace and precision!

Afterwards, I bought an exquisite pink and white shell pendant with a little pearl at the top, a lovely reminder of this magical trip to Scarborough.

You know how much I love to mix ballet with all the exciting aspects of the real world. There's so much beauty in the ordinary – like the seagulls diving into the harbour, or the kids giggling at the arcade. That beauty, it just speaks to me in a way that my inner dancer always responds to. And you know, my girls, I think that's something we all can relate to.

The day after our visit to the ballet class, we headed to the Scarborough Aquarium. You’ve all probably been there, but if not, let me tell you it’s amazing. My favourites, the beautiful giant tanks filled with colourful fish that glided around as graceful as swans - just mesmerising. And there’s always a surprise hidden behind every rock!

At the aquarium, I also found an inspiration. The grace of the sharks swimming silently by, a ballet of power and precision; it just reminded me of the sheer delight in the ballet! You don’t need to be a ballerina to see the beauty, the power, the sheer emotion in a graceful movement. You just need an eye that’s attuned to that kind of joy.

So that's it, girls! Another adventure under my tutu belt, another city in my memory bank! Scarborough was a treat, a blend of romance, the frisson of the sea, the charm of history and, of course, a sprinkle of my favourite pink-tutu magic!

I can't wait for our next adventure. Let's all aim to be dancing queens in our tutus and embracing all that life has to offer!

Always remember to keep it pink and tutu fabulous! And don't forget to subscribe to my website, www.pink-tutu.com, for daily inspiration and more tutu adventures.

See you on the dance floor, my darlings!


#TutuBlog 2020-03-13 in Scarborough with a red tutu.