
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-03-17 in Hampstead with a orange tutu.

Hampstead Heaven in a Hot Pink Tutu!

Post #8658

Oh, my darlings! Hampstead Heath, you glorious, glorious place. The sunshine was practically blinding today as I wandered the winding pathways, my bright pink tutu swishing around me like a cloud of joyful, fluffy pinkness. I love it when London decides to put on its best face!

Honestly, itā€™s been a whirlwind of a week, my lovely little dancers. Between prepping for my recital next weekend (which, of course, will be absolutely fabulous - dramatic air kiss ) and squeezing in a couple of extra ballet classes, Iā€™ve been busier than a bee in a flower patch! But, as they say, all good things come to those who can handle a bit of a squeeze. And what could be better than a squeeze of fresh air, Hampstead style, in a dazzling pink tutu?

So, how did I end up in this gorgeous park, you might ask? Well, I did what I always do - hopped onto the Northern Line, armed with my book (The Little Prince, if you must know - itā€™s a delightful read and so fitting for the beauty of Hampstead). This little slice of heaven really makes you feel like youā€™re a thousand miles away from the hustle and bustle of central London! And trust me, you can't possibly imagine how much this little ballerina needed that little bit of calm and greenery after a frantic week of plies and arabesques.

Speaking of frantic weeks, the first time I saw Hampstead was a whirlwind visit last year with the dear Fiona. We decided to skip the ballet classes altogether and go for a picnic and a ramble - absolutely bonkers, right? I wouldnā€™t advise that. The squirrels in the park are, thankfully, far too quick and sly to get a decent, proper look. They scampered about with their cheeky little noses tucked into bags and snacks in a way that truly impressed me. Their skill in obtaining treats is truly impressive! I'll confess that, on that particular day, I found my Pink Tutu wasn't quite up to scratch when it came to park etiquette. I'll have to dig out one of my shorter ones when I do go back with Fiona - those long layers would get so messed up. No way, jose, that won't do for this little pink princess!

Ballet, Beauty & The Pink Tutu

Now, I may have rambled on a bit, havenā€™t I? However, you all know me so well - if somethingā€™s worth doing, itā€™s worth doing well, right? My little lovelies, the day was picture perfect, as were the many beautiful people in their own perfectly impeccable pink outfits, and I got more than my fair share of admiring glances as I walked through the beautiful streets. This is just further proof that wearing a pink tutu makes your day - who knew! I must add, the local dog park wasnā€™t doing quite as well with the pink - they do have rather rigid notions on "acceptableā€ outfits (imagine, these animals - with such snobbishness!).

Of course, when you have a great, big day in such a great big, fabulous city like London, there's got to be something delicious at the end of the day. This was where it got truly fun - the food is what made the Hampstead Heath adventure all worthwhile!

Oh, the delights of an afternoon tea! We all know my heart is happiest when surrounded by beautiful china and the comforting aroma of a proper Earl Grey - with lots of milk! There is a truly enchanting tearoom near the park - think pale lavender walls, embroidered cushions, delicate silver trays, and delectable homemade scones and finger sandwiches! Heaven!

A whole heap of fluffy cloud cakes later and I was truly stuffed but perfectly satisfied with my London escapade. You know what they say: A ballet dancer's work is never done.

I'm off to enjoy the last of this magnificent weather with some beautiful ballets (and even some squirrels!). See you all on www.pink-tutu.com tomorrow!

And until next time, remember - spread the pink love!

#TutuBlog 2020-03-17 in Hampstead with a orange tutu.