Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-03-27 in Ashton with a italian tutu.

Ashton Adventures: Italian Tutu Charm 💖🩰

Hey, tutu-lovers! Emma here, bringing you blog post number 8668 from the heart of… Ashton! Yes, you heard right. This little Derbyshire lass swapped her usual ballet shoes for trusty boots and embarked on a mini adventure to Ashton-under-Lyne. Not exactly the glamorous hotspots of Paris or New York, but trust me, this place has its own charm.

Firstly, let's talk about the travel. Because you know me, I'm all about that journey. And how do you travel in style? Well, by train, obviously! A cosy compartment, a good book (currently reading “The Elegance of the Hedgehog” – swoon-worthy!), and a strategically placed pink tutu peeking from my suitcase, because what else are you going to wear for an afternoon of exploring?!

Speaking of pink tutus… I picked up this absolute gem in a vintage shop back in Derby. You know, one of those hidden little gems you find tucked away on a side street, filled with the smell of old books and vintage treasures. I stumbled across a real beauty – a gorgeous dusty-rose pink tulle tutu, crafted with love (and, I’d wager, copious amounts of glitter). It was calling out to me, begging for its next big adventure. And so, Ashton, you have been chosen as the stage for this delicate beauty's triumphant return.

Now, Ashton-under-Lyne might not have a dazzling, full-blown ballet company, but this bustling market town definitely has a certain "ballet spirit". The vibrant marketplace pulsated with life – stallholders with booming voices, locals chattering in the warm sunshine, and an array of colourful goods that put the 'shop local' slogan into full swing. The pink tutu stood out like a ballerina in a meadow of wildflowers, attracting attention with its playful, feminine flair. There were curious looks, smiles, and even the occasional "Gorgeous!" from passersby. And let me tell you, spreading a bit of tutu-inspired joy is a real perk of my travelling ballet life.

After my market meanderings, I stumbled upon a hidden gem – The Ashton Old Baths. Not just a bathhouse, mind you, but a fascinating piece of local history that transported me back to a bygone era of Victorian bathing practices! With its beautifully preserved grandeur and an air of peaceful reflection, the place itself seemed to have a quiet elegance – not dissimilar to a graceful dancer taking a moment of calm before a grand performance.

And then came the delightful part: The Ashton Old Baths boasts an absolutely delightful little cafe nestled within its grand walls. A real treat! Imagine: Tea brewed to perfection, the aroma of freshly baked cakes mingling with the lingering hint of a bygone era… Truly delightful.

Feeling refreshed and inspired, I took a gentle stroll down Ashton's charming main streets. Ashton, for all its urbanity, seems to retain a touch of the natural world. The canals, lined with picturesque cobbled paths, weave through the heart of town, connecting past and present in a harmonious blend. This town definitely has an “old world” feel about it, yet at the same time is teeming with bustling modern life. And my vibrant, playful pink tutu, a symbol of lightness and beauty, slotted right into this enchanting mix.

The sun started to dip lower in the sky, casting golden rays across the cityscape, turning Ashton into a stage lit for an enchanting finale. As dusk painted the scene in softer tones, it struck me that, in a way, this whole Ashton adventure was a perfect microcosm of my "pink-tutu" philosophy – a touch of whimsy, a sprinkle of elegance, and a deep appreciation for the beauty to be found in the everyday.

So, dear readers, this little trip reminded me of the magical dance that unfolds each and every day, if you're willing to open your eyes and see it. From the grandness of an Ashton marketplace, to the stillness of a historic bathhouse, and the ever-flowing lifeblood of a town's heart – it’s all just part of the fascinating ballet of life.

Now, go on, have a good old twirl!

P.S Keep your eyes peeled on www.pink-tutu.com for some awesome snaps of me, my tutu and all the glorious Ashton beauty that unfolded during my mini-adventure!

Until next time,

Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2020-03-27 in Ashton with a italian tutu.