Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-04-03 in Middleton with a feather tutu.

Middleton Makes Me Mince! - #TutuBlog 8675

Helloooo darlings! 🩰

It's your favourite tutu-loving blogger, Emma, here! Today I'm bouncing off the cobblestones of charming Middleton! It’s such a quaint and picturesque town – honestly, I could live here! And Middleton makes me mince in a very good way, as you’ll soon discover... 😉

Now, the reason I'm in Middleton is for a special, rather grand affair - the grand opening of a new ballet studio! Can you believe it?! It's a dream come true, truly. I'm always looking for fresh places to pirouette, so I just had to pop down. And yes, I am in a brand new, feather-trimmed tutu, naturally! 💕 This little number has all the fluff and the froth I could ever want, and trust me, the more the fluff, the better the day!

I took the train, obviously. I'm a firm believer in the elegance of train travel - the wind in your hair, the chugging sound, it's like a scene from a classic film! Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me to see Cary Grant sitting opposite me at some point. I love it, even with the occasional unfortunate person with bad travel habits – why can’t everyone take inspiration from ballet etiquette?! Honestly!

Anyhow, enough about the journey, I have to tell you about the grand opening! As I walked into the studio, I was met with the most beautiful sight – a whole room decorated with the most stunning shade of pink! I literally felt like I was stepping onto a ballet set. Seriously, it’s as though my subconscious dreams had somehow materialized in front of me!

Oh, the studio! It’s a dream! The floorboards have just the right amount of give, the mirrors are absolutely crystal clear (absolutely essential for those beautiful turnout shots!) and there’s a sweet little dressing area where the girls can do their hair and makeup with a touch of girly flair! Honestly, this is exactly what Middleton needed – a touch of grace, some flair, and, well, pink! It's all coming together wonderfully!

They were giving little introductory classes for different ages and levels, and naturally I had to partake! I was all too eager to jump in – after all, even a ballerina needs to work on her leaps! You see, my dream is to get the entire world to dance! That’s my purpose - spread joy and grace with each leap and twirl, so why not try it yourself?!

Honestly, I love a bit of ballet for beginners, especially when it's in a new, freshly opened studio. The energy just bubbles with enthusiasm and everyone is so incredibly sweet and friendly. One little girl actually brought her bunny rabbit along for the lesson. He just sat quietly, watching as we practised our pliés! Honestly, how precious! I always bring along a little token of encouragement from the animal world – the furry friend to me gives me such a good feeling! Even in Middleton! 🐰💖

Now, if you're new to the world of ballet, here's a little piece of advice: embrace the tutu! I understand it may seem a bit, well, bold, but let me tell you, it’s an experience unlike anything else! There’s a certain freedom that comes with the layers of tulle. You'll feel like you’re a dancer even if you’ve only ever managed one clumsy little jeté! And for me? Pink tutus are a MUST! I can’t leave the house without a little bit of blush-toned glory!

Don't just stop there, I encourage you all to try it! It’s not just about the grace and the poise – it’s about the feeling, about being in the moment, in the centre of the world, expressing your individuality through each pirouette.

Well, darling readers, I’ve got to get back to exploring Middleton! I hear there’s a stunning lavender farm that’s positively bursting with flowers – it just begs to be captured for Insta, right?! Perhaps I'll ride a horse down there! You can never go wrong with a bit of horsemanship in your life. Horses are so full of grace and movement - I just love their spirit!

But until then, keep it pink, keep it twirling, and keep dreaming! ✨💖

See you next time, darlings!

P.S. If you are a fellow tutu enthusiast, don't forget to head to www.pink-tutu.com to keep up with all my adventures! Let's fill the world with pink and tutus, one graceful leap at a time! 😉

#TutuBlog 2020-04-03 in Middleton with a feather tutu.