Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-07-22 in Bradford with a orange tutu.

Bradford Bound! 🩰🍊 #TutuBlog 8785

Oh, hello my lovelies! It’s Emma here, back with another installment of #TutuBlog, fresh from a whirlwind trip to Bradford. I must confess, the thought of the journey sent a little shiver down my spine. Bradford is not exactly the first place that springs to mind for a gal who spends most of her days pirouetting in the Derbyshire countryside. But alas, the allure of a stunning theatre performance (the kind that fills you to the brim with that delicious "I just have to get on that stage and dance" feeling) had me leaping onto the train, orange tutu in tow!

Let’s just say I made a bit of a statement in my flamboyant frock. My dear, the sheer joy of seeing children’s eyes light up with wonder at the sight of a bright orange tutu while I was waiting at the station was truly priceless. It reminded me why I started this whole blog – to inject some pink into the world and bring a little bit of ballerina magic wherever I go. (And perhaps, in some small way, encourage those nervous onlookers to embrace their own inner twirl.)

Anyway, back to Bradford. The theatre itself was truly exquisite, a glorious Victorian marvel steeped in history and boasting such magnificent, sweeping staircases. I was practically giddy as I took in the sheer grandeur. The show was the most beautiful adaptation of a classic fairytale, with choreography that was as graceful as it was inventive. Honestly, I couldn’t tear my eyes away – I've seen more performances in my day but the pure heart and soul of this one just bowled me over! It’s fair to say that I practically floated back to the station on a cloud of pure bliss.

Oh, and did I mention I spent the train journey watching the beautiful countryside go by? This has been such a favourite pastime of mine lately. Rolling fields, ancient stone walls, a cute little horse poking its head over a fence. All so calming and tranquil - I feel my creative juices start flowing, almost like a ballerina inspired by the music of a graceful wind!

Before I leave you for today, I want to ask, what's been inspiring you lately, my fellow pink tutu enthusiasts? Is it the beautiful sunset colours, or perhaps the inspiring journey of a strong woman? Share your moments of joy and wonder with me on social media. I love hearing from you. Until tomorrow, let’s keep those tutus twirling and spread a little pink joy wherever we go.

Don't forget, my lovelies, #pinktutu and all your ballet-inspired adventures await!

Head over to www.pink-tutu.com for more daily posts and don’t forget to leave me a comment! 🩰

Stay tuned for the next chapter in my tutu travels! 💖

#TutuBlog 2020-07-22 in Bradford with a orange tutu.