
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-07-29 in Luton with a american style tutu.

Luton Calling! #8792

Hey darlings! It's Emma, back with another installment of pink-tutu adventures. I hope you're all doing wonderfully!

As the Derbyshire skies threaten rain (again!), I felt the call of the open road. Well, the open train line. I hopped aboard the good old East Midlands Trains, heading for Luton, a town in Bedfordshire with more history and charm than its unassuming name suggests.

My mission? To spread the joy of pink tutus, naturally! But this time, with a twist.

Luton has a vibrant arts scene, and it's known for its love of the stage. So, I knew the locals would appreciate a tutu with a theatrical touch. Enter, the American style tutu.

You've probably seen this glamorous look in ballet class - voluminous, billowing tulle in a spectrum of bright colours, usually adorned with shimmering accents. For Luton, I chose a dreamy shade of petal pink with silver accents. It was a bit daring, but trust me, it worked.

I kicked off my morning with a class at the Luton Dance Studio. This wasn't your usual ballet class, mind you. It was an adult ballet barre, where folks of all ages come together for a bit of graceful movement and fun. You've never seen so many smiles at a ballet barre! I, of course, brought the energy and whirled and twirled with glee in my tulle cloud.

"I feel so beautiful! Thank you for inspiring us!" cried Mrs. Harris, a vibrant 65-year-old, wiping tears from her eyes after we finished our "swan" routine.

Next up was a visit to the Luton Town Hall, a grand Victorian building steeped in history. It's the heart of the town and its vibrant social life. And who wouldn't want to visit a beautiful building in a pink tutu, I ask? I let my layers of tulle swirl around me as I took in the architecture, feeling like I was a scene from a romantic novel.

As I walked through the charming backstreets of Luton, the local crafts shops captured my attention. It’s surprising how many wonderful, unique gifts can be found in the most unassuming places. The Luton Market was abuzz with local producers showcasing everything from honey and jams to handcrafted jewelry.

In the afternoon, I was invited to meet the staff at Luton's famous Warner Bros. Studio Tour, the iconic film studio responsible for the Harry Potter movies! It was exciting to learn about the movie magic behind the films I adore.

Now, I'm a strong advocate for the power of a tutu to spark a conversation, to encourage laughter, to inspire creativity. It was just like that when I popped into Luton's Theatre Royal. I’m convinced the power of pink tulle was what secured me those sought-after tickets to their current production of 'Guys and Dolls', an exuberant musical!

As the sun dipped lower and cast a warm glow over the town, I knew my Luton journey was reaching its end. But my mission wasn't finished yet.

There's something quite enchanting about walking home after a fulfilling day, taking it all in and letting the details settle in your memory. I stood in Luton's quiet and deserted park, mesmerized by the gentle patter of raindrops falling from the leaves, thinking about the day and all the new friends I'd made.

In Luton, a simple pink tutu turned out to be a beacon of joy and encouragement. It served as a reminder that every day can be filled with possibilities if we let go of our fears and embrace the joy of movement, expression and beauty - all with a touch of whimsical pink tulle, of course.

Till next time, lovelies! Keep twirling!

xx Emma

P.S. Want to hear more about the 'Guys and Dolls' production? Tell me your favourite musical in the comments below and you'll hear all about my theatrical adventures!

#TutuBlog 2020-07-29 in Luton with a american style tutu.