Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-08-04 in Basildon with a narrow tutu.

Basildon Bound in a Bouncy, Baby Pink Tutu! 🩰

Hey gorgeous gals,

It's your favourite Derbyshire darling, Emma, back with another day of fabulousness! Ready for a dance? Buckle up because we're going on a whirlwind adventure – and this time, it's a pink, tutu-filled trip to Basildon! 💖

Post #8798

You see, Basildon has a certain charm to it, a little-known gem of the Essex coast. I found out it's a hub for contemporary ballet – perfect for me, as you know I love a bit of artistic exploration in my dance life.

So, to get there, I opted for the quintessential British experience – a trip by train! 🚂 I must confess, there's something so chic and elegant about travelling in style. It’s like a travelling ballet stage, with all the movement, and the changing scenery unfolding outside the window, giving me all sorts of creative inspiration. Plus, the train was absolutely teeming with fabulous fashion – from tailored jackets and chic ankle boots, to elegant florals and flowing skirts – so you know I was feeling utterly in my element. It just adds a little bit of excitement and whimsy to any day!

Oh, and my trusty tutu, of course. It's a narrow, shimmering creation this time, in a delightfully dreamy baby pink. Think, a bubblegum dream, but a little bit edgy. It just screamed 'ballet ready' to me – a reminder of where I was headed, a little dose of ballet sunshine on a glorious British summer day! ☀️

Speaking of the weather – did I mention it was absolutely picture-perfect? Sunny and breezy, making me want to pirouette my way across the platform. Thankfully, I restrained myself… well, almost! I mean, how could you resist when the air is full of sunshine and possibilities?

Once in Basildon, I popped into a lovely little cafe near the station. Let's be honest, I always make time for a spot of afternoon tea, and it's my rule that I must eat cake every day. 🧁 Today, I opted for a delightful raspberry and rosewater Victoria sponge. Yum! Such a treat – and the perfect way to fuel up before the dance extravaganza!

My first stop was the impressive Basildon Arts Centre. You know how much I love the arts, so this was a must! A grand, imposing building that looked like it was holding centuries of artistry within its walls, like a ballerina waiting for the curtain to rise. Inside, there was a bustling atmosphere - rehearsals in full swing, a whirlwind of vibrant costumes, and the delicious, inspiring scent of floor polish and creativity in the air. And then… I found myself at a contemporary ballet performance. It was breathtaking! It wasn't a classical story with familiar melodies, no, this was something else – raw emotion and movements that were bold, captivating and just plain incredible! They took us on a journey, each pirouette and plié, every jump and graceful gesture filled with meaning and beauty. My toes tapped, my head bobbed, and my heart swelled with excitement. This is why I love ballet! This art form – so full of life and joy – makes me want to twirl around, twirl around! 🩰

Later, I popped into a small boutique – they had some fantastic shoes! I actually walked out with a new pair of sparkly, metallic ballet pumps – the perfect combination of sophistication and fun! They go with pretty much everything, and definitely brightened my day!

As the sun began to set, I headed to a nearby park. You wouldn't believe how beautiful the sunset was over Basildon - like a warm, golden spotlight on the day. And guess what? While I was taking photos, I spotted a group of teenagers practicing a flash mob – amazing! Their dance routine was so intricate, so creative. It reminded me how ballet, even the contemporary styles, has really seeped into our everyday life – something we take for granted and yet is so influential, like a beautiful little secret we share.

That night, I indulged in some delicious take-away fish and chips (because even a ballerina needs a cheeky cheat meal) and as I strolled back to my cosy hotel, I thought about my day. It's easy to forget, living in my own little Derbyshire world, just how vibrant and alive life is. Basildon, this tiny little town, gave me a reminder of just how amazing the world can be, with so much creativity, beauty, and sheer fun waiting around every corner.

Here are a few things I learned today that I’m sure you’ll all love, and which you might want to adopt for your own travels:

  1. The Importance of Wearing Pink: Pink isn't just a color, it’s a lifestyle. It’s an attitude! Every time you put on a pink tutu or pink clothes, you bring a little joy and light into the world! And honestly, wouldn't it be brilliant if everyone wore pink? Think about the impact on the fashion world, the feeling of positive vibes radiating outwards… yes, it’s worth thinking about! 💖

  2. * Ballet's Universal Language: * Ballet isn't just a skill, it’s a shared language. We talk about leaps and turns, about arabesques and jetés – terms that resonate in all corners of the world. There's an undeniable elegance and poetry in ballet that resonates across cultures, making it something we can all understand and appreciate, a tiny, lovely little piece of connection.

  3. *Life is Best When You're Ready To Twirl: * Always, always, be ready for life's adventures! Embrace spontaneity! When life throws a little adventure at you, go for it! Even if that means taking a slightly less expected path! The most exciting and rewarding journeys are the ones where you dare to take a step out of the familiar and explore a bit. Trust me, those little pink tutu moments make all the difference!

As I close up my blog today, my heart feels light and happy, a gentle feeling that makes me want to spin in a circle – or rather, take a leap into my dream world of ballet. Remember girls, never stop chasing your dreams!

Until tomorrow! 💕

Love always,


#TutuBlog 2020-08-04 in Basildon with a narrow tutu.