
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-09-12 in Hartlepool with a cyan tutu.

Hartlepool Calling: A Cyan Dream in the North East

Post Number: 8837

Hey darlings! Emma here, your favourite Derbyshire tutu-wearing, ballet-loving blogger, ready to whisk you away on a new adventure! Today's escapade? The vibrant, historical, and surprisingly beautiful town of Hartlepool, nestled on the north-east coast of England.

Now, I know what you're thinking - Hartlepool? Isn't that just a bit...well, north? But trust me, this charming little town, steeped in history and bursting with character, deserves all the attention it can get. Especially when you have a certain cyan tutu itching to make an appearance!

My journey began in the most delightful way possible - a scenic train ride. I swear, there's just something magical about train journeys, especially when you can gaze out the window at rolling countryside, charming villages, and the promise of new experiences. Oh, and the added bonus of my gorgeous pink handbag, nestled beside me, radiating that delightful feminine energy we all crave!

Speaking of feminine energy, my cyan tutu was feeling very ready to be unleashed on the unsuspecting Hartlepool streets. Imagine, if you will, the bright, sky-blue fabric swirling in the wind, the playful shimmer catching the sunlight, a vision of effortless elegance. You're welcome, Hartlepool.

Firstly, we embarked on a leisurely walk along the harbour. The fresh sea air, the scent of salty brine, the sound of seagulls crying - what could be more inspiring? My cyan tutu danced gracefully in the wind, and even a couple of curious seals popped their heads up from the water to get a closer look! Now, those are some fashionable sea creatures, I must say.

As we continued our exploration, we stumbled upon a rather remarkable sight: a flock of pink flamingos! Now, I'm not talking about those cardboard cutout flamingos you find at some beach shops, no no no, these were the real deal! They were gracing the Hartlepool "Zoo" - now, let's not get confused, it was more of a zoo-meets-wildlife-centre, but still - pink flamingos! You know my obsession with all things pink, right? It was pure magic!

Feeling absolutely inspired and with my heart soaring with pink-flamingo-fuelled energy, we made our way to Hartlepool's theatre for a dazzling performance. Let's be real, it's not often I have the pleasure of experiencing a live ballet performance outside the bustling city centres, so this was a rare treat. And this wasn't just any ballet performance, my friends! We were treated to a spellbinding performance of Giselle. Now, anyone who knows me knows my undying love for classical ballet, and the story of Giselle just hits that sweet spot of drama, romance, and the graceful beauty of the ballet itself.

Naturally, my trusty tutu became a conversation starter at the theatre, eliciting smiles and compliments from fellow audience members. A lovely gentleman even shared his insights on the symbolism of tutus in dance, how they embody freedom, artistry, and boundless energy - a conversation I found immensely engaging and enlightening.

As the performance ended and the applause faded, I knew my day in Hartlepool had reached its pinnacle of perfection. It wasn't just the show, the flamingoes, the sea air, it was the entire feeling of magic and joy that filled my heart, much like the way my cyan tutu makes me feel like I could twirl my way to the moon!

Hartlepool, you have officially been added to the list of magical places that captured my heart with their unique charm. Now, if you'll excuse me, my lovely tutu is calling me to bed. Until next time, darling readers, stay fabulous, keep dreaming big, and don't forget to embrace that little bit of pink tutu magic that lives within us all.

Lots of love,



#TutuBlog 2020-09-12 in Hartlepool with a cyan tutu.