Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-09-18 in Edmonton with a american style tutu.

Edmonton Calling: Tutu Travels to Canada! 🇨🇦

Blog Post #8843 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello my darling tutus, how are you all doing this fine Monday morning? The sun is shining brightly here in Derbyshire, and it’s a good day to talk about my trip to Edmonton, Canada! 🇨🇦

Now, some of you may know that Edmonton is a bit of a dream destination for me. It’s not just the breathtaking scenery, the bustling city life, or the wonderful wildlife, it’s the ballet! Edmonton is home to the incredible Alberta Ballet, known for its dazzling performances and impressive repertoire. And who better to appreciate them than yours truly, a girl who practically lives in tutus? 🩰

You see, I’m all about exploring the world through the lens of dance. So, naturally, my trip to Edmonton involved as many ballet activities as possible. This included seeing their production of Giselle, a haunting classic I’d heard so much about, and finally got to experience in all its glory!

The sheer power of the choreography, the heartfelt emotion in every gesture, and the magnificent costumes all transported me into another world. There’s nothing like being caught up in a live ballet performance. And let’s not forget the incredible music, swirling around the theatre, taking you on a captivating emotional journey. 🎶

Speaking of emotions, there were happy tears shed (of course!). Seeing the dedication and skill of the dancers is always humbling, and it reminds me why I love ballet so much. They pour their souls into every move, captivating audiences with their artistry. And watching Giselle, I just couldn’t help but be moved by its tale of love, loss, and betrayal. 🥺

I also made sure to check out a couple of their ballet classes. It was wonderful to dance alongside some talented locals, experience their passion, and learn from their instructors. There’s truly something special about the ballet community, no matter where you are in the world. Everyone is so welcoming, encouraging, and dedicated to their art form.

Now, you can’t talk about Edmonton without mentioning its stunning natural beauty. We visited the world-renowned Elk Island National Park. The breathtaking scenery, with its pristine lakes, lush forests, and open prairies, was enough to take my breath away. You won’t find a better place for a horseback riding adventure. 🏇

Oh, and the wildlife! There’s something about the gentle giants of the animal kingdom, those majestic elk, that gets my heart racing. Watching them roam free in their natural habitat was an unforgettable experience. I’d even venture to say it’s one of the best parts of travelling to Canada. 😉

Of course, no trip is complete without a touch of pink and, as a fellow tutuballerina, a beautiful outfit to match. For this occasion, I decided to take things back to basics with a classic American style tutu. 🇺🇸 🩰 The full, layered skirt with its vibrant pink hue was perfect for catching the sunshine, reflecting my inner joy and adding a touch of whimsical magic to every photo opportunity. 😉

After all, let’s be real, what’s a ballet-loving girl’s outfit complete without a tutu? I've found that it’s like a superpower: it helps you see the world differently, find the magic in everyday moments, and embrace your own personal style, just like it did for me during my time in Edmonton. 💖

I might even try my luck at getting a picture with one of those majestic elk. Imagine, the photo would be the epitome of "pink-tutu" life - vibrant pink against nature's vibrant green. Now that's something worth writing about!

Remember darlings, the journey itself is as important as the destination, and what better way to enjoy that journey than to add a little pink-tutu magic to your life! 💕

See you all again tomorrow! Until then, stay bubbly, stay stylish, and keep dancing! 💖

Yours in Pink,

Emma xx

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter on my website www.pink-tutu.com for even more updates, dance inspiration and tips to live a more pink and vibrant life! 🎀

#TutuBlog 2020-09-18 in Edmonton with a american style tutu.