Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-10-30 in Bangor with a white tutu.

Bangor Beauty: A Tutu Adventure in Wales

Post #8885

Hello darlings! Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast and pink-loving pixie. It's been a while since I've ventured to Wales, and let me tell you, it was high time! I decided to pack my suitcase full of frills and my trusty white tutu, hopped aboard a train (gotta love the scenic views and a cuppa on the journey!), and headed to the charming city of Bangor.

A Majestic Train Journey

It’s truly an art form to travel by train, especially on a long haul like this one. I had my little travel cushion with me, of course, as well as a good book, some freshly baked shortbread from the cafe, and my ever-present portable phone charger, just in case. I was completely captivated by the lush green valleys of Wales that flew past my window, dotted with sheep, quaint villages, and the odd crumbling castle! It felt like a storybook journey!

Bangor: A Coastal Dream

Bangor greeted me with open arms and crisp sea air, instantly whisking away the worries of the everyday world. This city by the Menai Strait is a beauty – nestled between rolling hills and sparkling water, and steeped in history. It has that timeless, romantic quality I adore, which felt like it had stepped straight out of a fairytale.

The White Tutu Takes on Bangor

Naturally, my first mission was to get the white tutu into action. This wasn't just any old tutu; it’s my "Whimsical White Wonder" from that wonderful little vintage shop back in Derbyshire. I'm always on the hunt for unique pieces, and this tutu is all about grace and flowing elegance with delicate tulle layers that move beautifully with every step.

First stop: Bangor Pier. The iconic, red structure felt like a perfect spot for a graceful photoshoot with the azure waters in the backdrop. The wind tousled the tulle, and I felt like a graceful bird, ready to take flight.

Wildlife Encounters and The Bangor Cat Sanctuary

Bangor has a wonderful vibe about it; it’s full of surprises and charm. One of my discoveries was a delightful sanctuary for stray cats called the Bangor Cat Sanctuary. The volunteers were all absolute sweethearts, and they gave me a warm welcome. The feline residents purred and cuddled as I showered them with head scratches, and even the shyest cat couldn't resist the charm of the tutu!

Dance Under the Stars: A Magical Ballet Performance

After a delightful lunch in the town centre, featuring Welsh cakes and cream tea, my next adventure was the Bangor University's Student Ballet Production! The air was buzzing with anticipation. This university theatre is beautiful - the perfect setting for a romantic evening. I must confess I felt rather inspired; seeing these passionate young dancers perform with such artistry and dedication was breathtaking! I found myself swaying to the music, ready to leap and twirl with them. Maybe my own mini-performance was in the future?

Twirling and Taking Photos in the Town Square

My white tutu, now perfectly adorned with sparkly silver embellishments I'd purchased at a local crafts market, felt right at home amidst the stone facades and vibrant gardens in Bangor Town Square. I spent an hour or two, capturing the moment. I danced between the benches, twirled under the antique lamps, and even did a few jumps by the water fountain – it's good to feel spontaneous, isn’t it? It felt magical; the vibrant colours, the playful fountain, and my fluffy tutu dancing in the breeze, like a delicate wisp of cloud!

Pink Touches Everywhere: Making My Mark on Bangor

Bangor felt truly welcoming to my pink-tinted vision. Everywhere I looked there were these pops of colour - the red-brick houses with brightly painted doors, the gorgeous pink rhododendrons in the park, and even a shop with a brilliant pink storefront called 'Pink Petal Gifts'. It was like a haven for a pink-loving ballet ballerina!

It wasn’t just about admiring the pink, it was about bringing a touch of pink to the town myself. I whipped out my little pink flamingo keychain, adorned with a mini pink tutu, and hung it on the door of the Bangor Market. It added a whimsical touch to the already delightful stall, and the stall owner, a sweet lady named Gwen, gave me a friendly smile and a “Diolch yn fawr” (thank you very much). I felt like a tiny pink-hued ray of sunshine, spreading joy and sweetness throughout Bangor.

Ballet Bliss: Embracing the Movement

My adventure wouldn't have been complete without a visit to the Bangor Ballet Studio. Tucked away on a quiet lane, it was a true haven for dancers! They greeted me with open arms and invited me to join their evening class. It was a delightful, uplifting experience. As I moved with the other dancers, graceful leaps, gentle stretches, and twirls, the magic of ballet came alive! It's more than just dance; it’s about embracing a sense of freedom and expressing yourself through movement.

A Tutu-filled Farewell

The last rays of sunset cast an orange glow over the mountains as I made my way to the train station, my tutu swishing gently behind me. This charming Welsh city has definitely made its way onto my list of “Places I Want to Go Back To”.

So, darling, if you're seeking a delightful escape, with stunning landscapes, warm welcomes, and maybe a little bit of pink tutu magic thrown in, do put Bangor on your itinerary. And remember, my sweet lovelies, you can be a ballet girl too, even if it's just twirling in your own home. Ballet is for everyone, regardless of size, shape, or experience!

Love and Tutu kisses, Emma


#TutuBlog 2020-10-30 in Bangor with a white tutu.