Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-01-01 in Great Yarmouth with a heavy tutu.

Great Yarmouth: A Tutu-tiful Day Trip!

Post Number: 8948

Hey darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-loving ballerina, Emma, back with another post, fresh from a whirlwind adventure to the beautiful seaside town of Great Yarmouth. This time, I didn't just pack my usual travel essentials - a fluffy pink cardigan, my trusty dance bag, and a sparkly pink tutu - I brought along an extra special accessory: a gloriously heavy tutu! I’ll explain more on that later…

As a girl from the Derbyshire countryside, I adore a bit of seaside. You just can't beat the fresh sea air, the sound of crashing waves, and the vibrant, chaotic energy of a seaside town. Now, I’m not a big fan of the beach, the sand isn’t really my thing (unless it’s super white, like the beaches in the Greek islands!) but Great Yarmouth definitely has something for everyone, even a tutu-wearing, ballet-loving girl like me.

I traveled down in style, of course. Not on a train, which can be lovely and relaxing but a little slow for a whirlwind trip like this, but on a gloriously handsome chestnut horse, borrowed from the delightful stables I keep my horses at just outside Derby. A couple of hours later I arrived at my Airbnb - a delightful little cottage complete with a vintage-style bathroom with a freestanding claw-foot bath – bliss!

Tutu Time!

Once I had freshened up, I donned my pink-tutu and went straight to the heart of the action – Great Yarmouth's Pleasure Beach. This was where the "heavy tutu" comes into play, as I was in for a treat! The Pleasure Beach hosted a truly spectacular Ballet Street performance right in the heart of the amusement park. You can imagine the looks I received as I ambled past candy floss stands and dodgems in my full-length tutu! It was like a giant stage, with the sea as its backdrop, and it was absolutely buzzing with people enjoying the sunny afternoon.

The Ballet Street dancers were simply amazing – the talent was so high! They put on a fantastic display, flowing movements against the backdrop of rollercoasters and rides, a perfect combination of elegant artistry and energetic chaos. You would be amazed how they maintained their grace even with all the flashing lights and honking carnival noises going on around them.

But it wasn’t all about performance. There was a big focus on getting people of all ages involved – a true community event! And let me tell you, my heavy tutu came in handy as it was used for one of the routines, with the dancers from the Ballet Street school creating a spectacular visual by literally pulling on the fabric as they moved in their dazzling moves! You’ve got to admire their commitment to pushing boundaries and breaking down barriers between dance forms and environments – they absolutely nailed it!

Tutu and Treats

After the show, I rewarded myself with the perfect sea-side treat – a giant ice-cream from the classic-looking, colourful seaside cafe just outside the beach. Strawberry, naturally! I'm telling you, there's just something magical about devouring a giant cone of pink ice cream whilst watching the waves roll in. A perfect end to my Tutu-filled adventure.

Of course, no day in Great Yarmouth is complete without a trip to the iconic Pleasure Beach. My absolute favourite ride has to be The Big Wheel! There’s no beating the panoramic view of the town and coast from up there, and I always find it wonderfully exhilarating! Even though I can only have one, it felt good to enjoy my first hot-dog in almost 6 months, my only weakness as a ballerina, though with the extra calories needed for that tutu routine I think I deserved a treat!

Later on, I explored the town, taking a long stroll along the beautiful, seafront promenades. There were so many gorgeous Victorian buildings, complete with all their decorative architecture and whimsical balconies, so inspiring for a ballet dancer! It definitely fuelled my artistic imagination!

Sharing the Tutu Love

On the way back to my cottage, I took some time to watch some children play on the beach – they were absolutely entranced by a small pod of dolphins frolicking close to the shore! The children had huge grins on their faces, their faces illuminated with pure delight and amazement, it warmed my heart, a reminder that even a little glimpse of something special can bring immense joy.

It's a moment that definitely made me reflect on the power of bringing joy through the art of dance and why my goal to get everyone to try ballet and put on their pink tutus – be it a grand ball tutu or even a mini tutu-style skirt for the day- is so important! It’s all about experiencing a moment of magic, whether you’re an experienced dancer, a curious newcomer, or simply a child in awe of a glimpse of a dolphin, or a ballerina dancing amidst the hustle and bustle of a seaside amusement park.

Next Time, Great Yarmouth?

That’s it for today, darling. Until next time, you can follow all my tutu-wearing adventures on www.pink-tutu.com! And who knows, maybe I’ll even meet you at the next Ballet Street performance in Great Yarmouth – or, better yet, inspire you to put on your pink tutu for the day and dance your heart out, even if it's just in your living room!

Ciao for now!


#TutuBlog 2021-01-01 in Great Yarmouth with a heavy tutu.