Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-01-26 in North Shields with a cyan tutu.

North Shields in Cyan: Tutu Adventures in the Toon

#TutuBlog Post #8973

Hello, darlings! Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to North Shields and feeling positively…well… pink! I know, I know, you’re probably thinking, "Emma, North Shields? Really?" But trust me, this little corner of the North East had so much charm, and, of course, my cyan tutu was the perfect companion for the adventure.

I embarked on my journey the Derbyshire way, by train. You know I have a thing for trains, their romantic clickety-clack echoing my own heartbeats. Plus, you can’t beat the chance to enjoy a cheeky cream tea and a good read on the way. This time, I chose "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" - perfect for getting in the mood for my ballet exploration later on.

But before I got to that, I had to explore North Shields! This quaint little town surprised me with its vibrant harbour, bustling marketplace, and friendly locals. The seagulls were particularly charming, their calls like an off-key opera, which is never not entertaining. I managed to grab a few fantastic shots with them for my Instagram, all with the backdrop of the magnificent Tyne Bridge in the distance.

One of the highlights of my North Shields adventure was discovering the Playhouse, a charming, historic theatre right in the heart of the town. Stepping into that beautifully decorated auditorium, I felt like I’d stepped back in time. I imagined generations of artists and audiences breathing the same air, the creaks of the floorboards echoing their laughter and tears.

After a quick afternoon tea in the charming tea room overlooking the stage, it was time for my main reason for coming to North Shields: ballet! You’ll never believe it, but there was an incredible performance of "Coppelia" at the Playhouse. My jaw hit the floor – the dancing was impeccable, the costumes were a dream, and the entire performance was truly magical. My cyan tutu definitely blended in with the ethereal ambiance. I even managed to spot a couple of girls in the audience wearing pink tutus – spreading the love of tutus one ballet at a time!

Speaking of spreading the love, I had a fantastic encounter with a young girl, perhaps seven years old, who was watching the show with wide, sparkling eyes. I could see her mesmerised by the ballet dancers, and the wonder in her eyes brought a smile to my face. It reminded me of my own childhood, of how I was captivated by the graceful moves and enchanting storytelling of ballet. She was wearing a pretty, floral print tutu and I decided to be brave.

“You’re wearing a tutu too!” I exclaimed. “Have you ever danced ballet? You look so much like a little ballerina!” Her face lit up with a smile, and a little shyly she replied, "My Grandma used to be a ballerina. She says it’s magic, and maybe I’ll be one someday." You can’t imagine the sheer delight that bubbled inside me. Another ballet fan in the making, and I was a tiny part of that magic!

After the performance, I spent the evening in one of the town’s lovely cafes, sipping tea, listening to some local musicians, and reflecting on the day. You know I love to absorb the energy and culture of the places I visit. North Shields felt both old-world charming and modern with a sense of humour - I could tell this little corner of the world had a lot of stories to tell.

The next day was for exploring the beauty of the coast. North Shields sits on the River Tyne, a vast waterway teeming with sea life and beauty. I took a walk along the shore, letting the cool sea breeze ruffle my hair, breathing in the salty air, and just…well, living! It was pure joy watching the majestic ferries sailing by, the sunlight glinting off their hulls like diamonds. And then there were the seagulls – what would a seaside trip be without them!

As the sun began to dip towards the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, I felt the day’s experiences sink into my soul. It wasn’t just a trip to North Shields – it was an encounter with the spirit of the North East, with its charming landscapes, its history, its kind people, and its magic. And that magic, darling, well, it can’t help but inspire me to share the love of ballet, to share my passion for pink tutus, and to encourage you all to get out there and explore the beauty that awaits, even in the most unexpected places.

Until next time, darlings, remember: life is a stage, and you can be the leading lady in your own pink tutu!

With love, Emma

#TutuBlog 2021-01-26 in North Shields with a cyan tutu.