Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-01-28 in Spalding with a green tutu.

Tutu Travels: Spalding Splendour (Post #8975)

Hello my darling darlings! Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-loving, travel enthusiast, bringing you another day of girly fun from the fabulous world of tutus and tiaras! Today, I'm writing to you from the charming market town of Spalding, in the heart of Lincolnshire. I know what you're thinking... "Spalding?" But trust me, darlings, this place is a hidden gem, just waiting to be discovered. And who better to discover it than yours truly, in my signature emerald green tutu, of course!

I decided to make a spontaneous journey to Spalding via train - a classic romantic mode of travel that I can't resist, especially when there are dreamy landscapes whipping by my window. I mean, what could be more inspiring than a picturesque countryside backdrop while you're daydreaming about choreography, sipping Earl Grey, and listening to the gentle clinking of teacups?

Now, I must confess, I don't normally associate "spalding" with "ballet", but this trip was an exciting exception! It all started with my love of wildlife - specifically, the adorable little Avocets that grace the saltmarshes in the Wash, a little further down the coast from Spalding.

My first port of call was a visit to the RSPB's Snettisham Nature Reserve, a haven for all kinds of birds and a true sanctuary for those who love the simple pleasure of nature's spectacle. These Avocets are absolutely mesmerising! With their long legs and black-and-white patterned bodies, they look like some sort of ballet dancer's feathered dream. It’s no wonder my muse inspired me to twirl around in a ballet routine while observing their elegant movements.

I know what you're thinking – Avocets? Ballet? Where's the tutu connection?!

Here's where it gets interesting, my darlings! As it turned out, Spalding is actually home to an incredibly beautiful and well-preserved church - St Mary and St Nicolas Church, to be precise. It’s one of the oldest parish churches in Lincolnshire and a real sight to behold, and I mean - can you imagine the divine lighting for an impromptu tutu performance in there?!

Of course, I had to wear my emerald green tutu for this exploration. I mean, it’s almost impossible to not twirl when you’re surrounded by the intricate beauty of stained glass and delicate gothic architecture. It's like the church was specifically designed for me and my twirling antics, and it provided the most stunning backdrop for a few (shall we say, unplanned) ballet routines. The history of this building is simply captivating.

After indulging in a delicious picnic lunch under the glorious sun on the church lawn (featuring my signature pink tea, naturally), I headed for the town centre, which was a delight for the senses. Spalding Market was a veritable kaleidoscope of colourful stalls brimming with local produce, arts and crafts. I even spotted a stall selling pink tutus and teapots - perfect souvenirs for a girly girl like me.

It turns out that Spalding is more than just a "town with a big market" - it also has a flourishing cultural scene. The town hall itself has a charming little theatre called the "Spalding Town Hall Theatre," where live performances take place throughout the year, including local amateur dance productions and plays. You just know there is a story waiting to be danced about!

Let me tell you, it was the perfect place for an impulsive trip. This visit cemented my belief that even the most unexpected places can have the potential for a little ballet magic!

And who knows - perhaps someday, a sprightly pink tutu-wearing ballet company will take to the stage of this charming town hall! I’m setting the intention!

And with that, darlings, it's time for me to slip out of my green tutu (though you can be sure I’ll be wearing pink to my next adventure) and return home to my peaceful Derbyshire cottage. Stay tuned for more Tutu Travels adventures!

See you tomorrow!

Love, Emma


#TutuBlog 2021-01-28 in Spalding with a green tutu.