Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-02-16 in Bicester with a random tutu.

Bicester Ballet Bonanza! 🩰

#TutuBlog 8994

Hello my darling Tutu Tribe! 💖

It’s Emma here, your resident pink-loving, tutu-obsessed ballet bunny, writing to you live from the utterly charming Bicester, a quaint little town just a hop, skip and jump away from my beloved Derbyshire. You know how I love to flit around the country, exploring new corners, sharing my love of all things ballet and, of course, spreading the gospel of the pink tutu!

This week's adventure started with a magical journey to Bicester. Instead of my usual trusty steed, the trusty train, this time I opted for a touch of the rustic and took a ride in a horse-drawn carriage – what a delightful way to travel! As we rattled along the winding country roads, I couldn’t help but feel like I was straight out of a fairy tale.

Arriving in Bicester, the first thing I noticed was the picturesque cobblestone streets lined with charming boutiques and cosy tea shops. I was absolutely charmed! Of course, my mission for this visit was clear: to immerse myself in all things ballet.

Bicester is actually home to a wonderful ballet school called ‘The Dancing Fairies,’ and I couldn’t wait to pop in for a spot of class. Don't worry, I brought my pink tutu, naturally! It’s a bit of a habit; it’s just how I roll!

Stepping into the studio was like stepping back in time. The wooden floor creaked slightly with each step, and the scent of freshly-polished pointe shoes hung heavy in the air – it was utter bliss! I slipped into my own trusty dance shoes (no pointe work for me just yet - though, that's certainly something I'm working towards!) and joined the class. It was an absolute joy.

We were working on a lovely little sequence inspired by the famous Swan Lake. And, yes, I totally felt the graceful glide of a swan. 😉 Let’s just say my classmates were quite impressed with my little pink tutu cameo in the class, much to the amusement of the lovely instructor, Ms. Beatrice. I'm so tempted to start a "Pink Tutu Wednesday" tradition there!

The next stop on my Bicester ballet escapade was a local theatre. There, I watched a wonderful performance of Giselle, one of my all-time favourite ballets. It’s a tale of love, loss, and betrayal. Let me tell you, the dancers were breathtaking! Their elegance and emotion had me completely mesmerized.

While watching the show, my mind was swirling with creative inspiration. Maybe I could create my own Giselle-themed ballet look with a pink tutu? I have to say, the pink would really give the tragic tale a bit of playful drama, wouldn't it?

Later, after enjoying a lovely afternoon tea with finger sandwiches and homemade cakes, I found myself exploring Bicester’s quaint little park. It was the perfect setting to reflect on the day. The sunshine was sparkling on the grass, a couple of squirrels chased each other through the trees, and a cheeky little robin perched on a branch near me – such peaceful moments!

There’s just something about nature that instantly calms me down. You’ll often find me taking long walks in Derbyshire, enjoying the fresh air, and observing the wildlife – it’s so therapeutic and inspires my love of movement, like ballet, but in nature’s own unique choreography!

As the sun dipped below the horizon, it was time for me to head back. Back to the train, which was my mode of transport this time, I sat and watched the countryside flash by, the air cool and crisp.

This visit to Bicester truly exceeded all my expectations. Not only did I have the most delightful day of ballet, but I also rediscovered my love for all things simple, serene and whimsical. My heart was filled with an infectious joy that only ballet and the charm of a quaint little town can bring.

My darling Tutu Tribe, don’t forget my message: Let’s all embrace the beauty of ballet and twirl through life in pink tutus! We can create a ballet world of kindness, elegance, and unbridled joy.

Remember, the world is our stage, and we're all dancers!

Until next time, keep twirling and spreading the pink tutu love!

Lots of love, Emma 💕


#TutuBlog 2021-02-16 in Bicester with a random tutu.