
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-03-31 in Manchester with a yellow tutu.

Manchester Mayhem! πŸ©°πŸ’–

Hey loves!

It's Emma here, back with another fabulous post! Number 9037, can you believe it? πŸ’– We're celebrating in a big way this week - we're off to Manchester! This city is buzzing with culture, so grab your pink tutu and let's get ready for some serious fun!

I'm absolutely living for my latest ensemble – a sunshine yellow tutu, custom made just for me, and paired with a soft pink crop top. It’s my little reminder of sunshine on a cloudy day. The best thing about my travel wardrobe is I can take my entire collection of tutus – it all fits in one beautiful pink suitcase. Pure magic.

So, off I went on the train - nothing beats the romanticism of gliding through the English countryside! 🌿 I even had a chat with the sweetest little tabby cat on the platform, I think she was admiring my pink eyeshadow. πŸ˜‰ The journey to Manchester is so scenic – rolling hills, stone-walled fields, it really feels like you're entering a world of enchantment. And let's not forget, trains are perfect for indulging in my favourite pastime - people-watching! You never know who you'll meet on a train journey - from artists and poets to retired ballerinas and aspiring chefs! The world is truly a fascinating place when you open your eyes and your heart to it.

Manchester has a real vibrancy about it. My hotel, The Lowry, had views right across the canal – breathtaking! There was even a charming, white swan gliding on the water - I’m so fond of swans! (Fun fact: I used to dress my first teddy bear as a swan, hence my obsession!). After I settled in, I put on a pair of my favourite ballet flats and took a wander down the streets. Manchester's architecture is phenomenal! They really have a stunning mix of old and new, which is what I love about historic cities - it makes for an interesting, captivating place to explore.

Of course, my first stop had to be Manchester's famous Arndale Centre – retail therapy is always on the agenda for this ballerina! A good afternoon shopping always gives me the best ideas for new content, new outfit ideas, and just a little boost of confidence! And you know me – if there’s a shop with a pink theme, you’ll find me there, digging for that one piece to add to my ever-growing pink tutu collection! (Honestly, there never can be too many tutus!) I managed to snag a few little treats for myself and for my sister - she’s been needing a little extra motivation to join the pink tutu club (come on, you know you want to!).

As the sun started to set, casting its magic on the streets of Manchester, I decided to try out one of the city's legendary cafes, The Alchemist, – who else wants to join me next time? There was this incredible rainbow-colored cocktail – talk about photogenic! (You bet I posted it on my Instagram story! πŸ˜„). I'm telling you, the drinks scene in Manchester is legendary, every bar you stumble upon is full of vibrant cocktails and lively conversations!

Of course, my weekend in Manchester wouldn't be complete without a touch of ballet magic. The Royal Exchange Theatre was hosting a show by the wonderful Northern Ballet Company, and let me tell you - it was absolutely jaw-dropping. 🩰 They told such an evocative story through dance, with powerful emotions and captivating choreography. I just couldn’t resist popping on my own tutu before going! My favourite thing about live performance is the energy – you can truly feel the passion from the dancers and musicians, it's electric! You're witnessing pure magic on stage.

Now, after all that excitement, I knew I needed a moment of tranquility. My escape? Manchester's breathtaking Heaton Park. Imagine a peaceful lake, majestic trees, and a gorgeous park brimming with history. It’s the perfect place for a bit of reflection. (And, of course, to take some Insta-worthy shots, right?! πŸ˜‚) It also gave me the chance to unleash my inner ballerina, so of course I had to spin around in my sunshine yellow tutu by the lake – just imagine the picturesque view with the setting sun behind me. πŸ’– It was a magical moment!

And to end this wonderful trip, there's no better way to say goodbye to Manchester than a relaxing picnic. Imagine a picnic basket brimming with goodies - juicy strawberries, perfectly ripe pears, freshly baked bread, and of course, a little bottle of sparkling rose. As I nibbled on a strawberry, the thought came to me - how incredible it would be to inspire more people to wear a pink tutu, just like I do. To get them dancing, twirling, and sharing their love for this amazing art form.

My dream is to get everyone to embrace the spirit of dance, to put on a pink tutu, and to feel the freedom that comes from moving your body to music! So what do you say? Are you ready to join me in this mission to spread the pink tutu revolution? Let's turn the world pink, one tutu at a time! πŸ’–

Keep twirling, keep shining, and I'll catch you on my next adventure!

Until next time,

Emma x


#TutuBlog 2021-03-31 in Manchester with a yellow tutu.