Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-05-09 in Chelmsford with a cyan tutu.

Chelmsford Calling: Pink Tutus and Train Travels!

Post 9076

Hello lovelies! It’s your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, back with another blog post straight from the heart of… well, actually, Chelmsford! Yes, I traded the Derbyshire hills for the Essex countryside this weekend for a very special reason. You see, my darling, there’s nothing quite like a little ballet inspiration to get me going, and Chelmsford, with its buzzing cultural scene, didn't disappoint.

I packed my trusty, oh-so-stylish cyan tutu (yes, I do dabble in a bit of turquoise every now and then!) into my little weekend bag, and off I set. I couldn't resist travelling in style, naturally. My chosen mode of transport was, of course, the trusty train. There's just something so romantic about the clickety-clack of the wheels and the charming, slow pace of a rail journey.

Now, I’ve been wanting to visit Chelmsford for a while. It has a fantastic reputation for supporting local theatre, and it seems everyone's talking about the Chelmsford Ballet Company, so you know I had to see for myself. I caught their production of "La Bayadere", a stunning spectacle. I found myself transported to a world of vibrant colours, dramatic choreography, and emotional depth – all perfectly captured by this talented group of dancers. The sheer power of movement, the graceful pirouettes, the heartfelt emotions – it just gets to my core! I might have shed a tear or two during the final act, but hey, that's what ballet does to you, right?

Afterwards, I found myself chatting to some of the company members – such lovely people, and clearly, passionate about what they do. They even gave me a sneak peek at their upcoming performance of "Swan Lake" which just so happens to be one of my all-time favourites. Can’t wait to get my ballet fix again, especially when there are so many amazing talents tucked away in little towns like Chelmsford.

Before I leave, I can’t let you go without sharing some insider tips on how to make the most of your own ballet adventure.

  • Don’t be shy: Ballet isn’t just for the “elite.” It’s for anyone who wants to express themselves through movement and explore the beauty of the art form. You can try a drop-in class at your local community centre, join a recreational class at a dance studio, or even simply watch performances online and see what draws you in.

  • Get that tut-tude!: Speaking of which, I firmly believe everyone should experience the sheer joy of wearing a tutu. It's empowering, it's fun, and it's just downright fabulous. It’s not about perfection, it's about embracing the freedom and grace of movement – and of course, wearing something fabulous!

  • Embrace the journey: When it comes to exploring ballet, there are no shortcuts. Embrace every moment, every little class, every performance – even if it’s just a simple piece you’re learning for a community production. There's magic in each step, and in every performance. Trust me!

But my Chelmsford adventure didn’t stop there! After the ballet, I decided to indulge in some retail therapy. It’s no secret that I adore anything pink, and let me tell you, Chelmsford doesn’t disappoint. I scored a couple of delightful additions to my wardrobe: a vintage pink bag, oh-so-perfect for my ballet accessories, and a delicate floral-print top that I’m sure will make a splash at my next class. It’s a testament to how good your shopping therapy can be in such charming little towns.

Later on, I took a lovely stroll through the beautiful Chelmsford City Park. There were ducks happily quacking, squirrels scampering through the trees, and people enjoying a relaxing afternoon – it's an idyllic spot, wouldn't you say? It really captured my love of the wild, which comes straight from my Derbyshire roots. After all, there’s something so grounding and revitalizing about being surrounded by nature.

After the sun dipped down, it was time for dinner. I savored the delicious (and yes, I can confirm, delicious) menu at the Chelmsford Brasserie. Their passion for local produce really shines through in their dishes.

As the stars twinkled above, I made my way back to the station, heart full of happy memories and my bag brimming with treats for the journey home. I already have a feeling that I will be returning to this beautiful part of England again very soon.

Until next time, lovelies! Remember to dance your way through life and embrace your inner tutu-wearing self! Keep sparkling, keep spreading the pink, and remember you can find me at www.pink-tutu.com.

xx Emma

#TutuBlog 2021-05-09 in Chelmsford with a cyan tutu.