Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-05-18 in Hammersmith with a italian tutu.

Hammersmith: Italian Flair Meets Pink Tutu Charm (Blog Post #9085)

Hey darlings! It's Emma here, and I'm back with a new blog post fresh from a whirlwind trip to Hammersmith, which just about had me spinning faster than a fouetté! 🩰

This time, I decided to leave my usual pink tutu at home for a bit (can you believe it? 😂). Instead, I traded it in for a beautiful Italian number, a pale lavender creation with intricate floral embroidery that was positively dripping with elegance!

Now, my darling readers, you know I'm a creature of habit. Pink is my colour, and my tutu is my second skin, but every so often, I feel a little urge to embrace a touch of something different. This trip was about all about embracing those exciting Italian vibes and letting a different side of my ballet style shine through.

So, how did I get to this wonderful, vibrant place? Well, I swapped the trusty Derbyshire bus for a swanky carriage ride - yes, you read that right! I journeyed to Hammersmith on horseback! It was like stepping straight into a fairytale, with the wind in my hair and the gentle trot of my steed under me. Oh, how I love the thrill of those long journeys, making a slow and stately arrival to a destination that I feel completely ready to take on!

Arriving in Hammersmith, I was instantly mesmerized. It was buzzing with life, with shops overflowing with unique and enchanting treasures. My eyes were constantly darting about, drinking it all in. From delicate vintage brooches that would make a ballerina’s dress glimmer to Italian ceramics that practically sang with colourful stories, there was truly something for everyone.

Speaking of colourful stories, I couldn't resist a visit to the Hammersmith Broadway Theatre – a venue brimming with history and charm. The grand entrance alone, with its ornate columns and theatrical backdrop, made me feel like I was stepping onto the set of a play.

This time, my Italian-inspired tutu found a beautiful stage. After watching an exquisite ballet production, I stepped into the limelight myself. It’s an open secret: ballet lovers and ballerinas alike all feel the urge to show off a little on stage sometimes, and Hammersmith Broadway gave me that golden opportunity. I danced beneath the soft stage lights, my tutu swirling and catching the glimmer of those sparkling lights.

It wasn’t all theatre, however. This trip wasn't about just dancing in fancy tutus, I also wanted to delve into the magic of London’s wildlife! The Hammersmith riverside, bathed in a golden light, was alive with birds, and I took the time to observe their effortless movements. Their beautiful, silent wings held them aloft, just like our own human form on pointe. That perfect elegance of nature has to inspire us dancers!

It’s always a pleasure to discover more about the animal world and learn to find my own way of expressing it in movement. I was fascinated by a troupe of grey squirrels – such playful creatures! Their energetic leaping and scrambling, and the way they darted and scurried about the park – well, it brought out a different kind of energy in my ballet steps that night!

Oh, darling readers, I feel that a little journey like this can be so inspiring, not just to our creative senses but also to our hearts. The energy of this new place and the beautiful details of nature gave me so many ideas for a new ballet routine, and the stage presence at the theatre made my own routine feel all the more real!

And there you have it, my beautiful friends, a quick and sassy visit to Hammersmith – the place where my Italian flair met my pink tutu charm, all set against a vibrant tapestry of nature and history. Remember, the magic of ballet is there, for everyone to discover, anywhere!

So, do you have a pink tutu waiting for you? What do you love about ballet? Let me know!

With a flourish and a pirouette,

Emma x


#TutuBlog 2021-05-18 in Hammersmith with a italian tutu.