
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-06-13 in East Ham with a pink tutu.

East Ham Calling: A Tutu Adventure (#9111)

Hello, my darling Tutu Tribe! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, and guess what? I'm back with another adventure for you. This time, it's all about East Ham โ€“ a London borough brimming with charm, culture, and a healthy dose of the unexpected.

Now, you know I'm a bit of a romantic. And there's something so charming about getting to a new place by train. Picture this: a steaming mug of tea in my hands, a vintage copy of Jane Eyre nestled on my lap, and a crisp, fresh breeze sweeping through the carriage as we glide along the tracks. It's truly the way to travel for this little Derbyshire lass!

East Ham, a Place of Wonder

East Ham itself was a delightful surprise. Stepping off the train, I felt like I'd wandered into a vintage postcard. The cobblestone streets were bathed in sunshine, the air buzzing with the sound of birdsong, and charming independent shops lining the lanes. I knew instantly I was in for a treat.

My first stop, of course, was a local bakery. Now, let's be honest, I live for a good croissant. But in East Ham, it was a buttery, flakey, divinely perfect croissant paired with a steaming mug of peppermint tea. (I do have to admit I sprinkled it with pink sugar โ€“ just for a touch of Emma flair!)

Pink Tutues Everywhere!

I can't resist a bit of tutu-related exploration, can I? And East Ham delivered in style. Just around the corner from the bakery, I found the cutest little vintage clothing store. Hidden away on a side street, it was filled with treasures, from stunning cocktail dresses to fabulous feather boas โ€“ but the best part? A whole corner was devoted to vintage tutus! Pink ones, of course. I ended up scooping up the most magnificent fuchsia number - it's going straight on the blog!

Ballet Bliss

No journey is complete without a dose of ballet magic, right? So, off I trotted to the East Ham Theatre. You'd be surprised at the treasures you find hidden in the heart of cities! The theatre was intimate, cozy, and simply charming. This week's performance? The most beautiful rendition of Giselle I've seen in ages. The dancers were exceptional โ€“ the choreography, flawless. I almost felt a pang of regret for not wearing my pink tutu for the show!

A Touch of the Wild

Even though I'm in the heart of the city, I never forget the importance of nature. So, the next morning, I hopped on the Jubilee line and headed to the stunning East Ham Nature Reserve.

It's a tranquil little slice of nature nestled in the midst of the city. Lush green fields, hidden walkways, and vibrant blooms - you almost forget you're just a short train ride away from bustling London streets. The air was filled with birdsong, and I even spotted a couple of cheeky squirrels chasing each other through the branches. A reminder to embrace the beauty in all its forms, even in the most unexpected places.

Horsepower on the East Ham Road

And how could I resist a little adventure on horseback? The charming East Ham Riding School offered me the most picturesque trot through the countryside. The sunshine warming my skin, the wind in my hair, and the rhythmic sound of hooves pounding the path โ€“ pure bliss. A perfect reminder that sometimes, you just need to get away and appreciate the simple things in life.

More Than Just a Place

East Ham, to me, was so much more than a London Borough. It was an experience. It was an exploration of charming corners and secret treasures, an embrace of nature's beauty and the delight of finding a bit of ballet magic along the way. And wouldn't you know it? While strolling through the streets, I saw a charming local sporting a bright pink tutu โ€“ maybe I'm making some progress!

The Pink Tutu Call to Action!

I have a mission, darling Tutu Tribe: To encourage everyone, everywhere, to embrace the spirit of pink tutus and the joy of ballet.

Whether it's a pink tutu, a fancy dress party, or even a simple step or two, I'm encouraging you all to dive in. Embrace your inner dancer, tap into the rhythm of your soul, and find a reason to laugh, to move, and to celebrate the little joys of life.

Stay tuned for more adventures in pink! And remember, the world is waiting to see you dance!

XOXO, Emma


#TutuBlog 2021-06-13 in East Ham with a pink tutu.