Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-06-16 in South Shields with a black tutu.

South Shields: A Black Tutu Takes on the Tyne

Post #9114 - www.pink-tutu.com

Sunshine! Birds singing! That unmistakable feeling of freedom that only comes with a long journey by train. I’m finally in South Shields, and I can already feel the energy of this vibrant seaside town buzzing through my toes.

You know I'm a big fan of exploring new places. I can't think of anything more exhilarating than throwing on a beautiful tutu and striking a pose in a brand-new location, so today, it was my beloved black tutu, perfect for its sleek and modern aesthetic, that got to take the stage.

Derbyshire girl in a seaside town – there’s just something about it! The air feels so much cleaner, the sky seems a shade more intense, and the sound of seagulls just makes me smile. And then there's the seaside itself. I have to admit, the last time I came to South Shields, it was probably back when my first tutu was a fluffy white cloud of wonder!

After the train ride and a quick lunch at a sweet little café with rose-coloured walls (yes, even the cafe knew my heart), it was time to head out and get my tutu dancing on the sand.

Let me tell you, South Shields knows how to put on a show. Firstly, it's the setting itself - beautiful sands stretching as far as the eye can see, and the stunning vista of the Tyne. Then, there were people everywhere – families picnicking, children shrieking with delight on the helter-skelter, and dog walkers basking in the warmth. The energy was contagious, it made my toes twitch in their ballet shoes!

Of course, no trip to the coast would be complete without a little bit of wildlife spotting, and South Shields did not disappoint! While I'm not sure that a pair of seals qualify as wildlife, the way they basked on the rocks with such grace and languid beauty made my heart skip a beat! And then there were the gulls - those fearless feathered friends who were quite content to divebomb my tutu. Luckily, I'm fast and graceful enough to twirl out of their way! I have a new appreciation for ballerinas after their experience with pesky squirrels in the Nutcracker, that’s for sure!

But beyond the natural beauty, there was something about this place that felt incredibly inviting, an artistic spirit woven through the fabric of the town. Perhaps it was the Victorian architecture, perhaps the colorful murals adorning the streets, perhaps it was the creative buzz from the art galleries I passed on the way. There was just something special, and it inspired me.

Inspired enough to do what? I hear you ask!

Well, I decided to hold my very own "Pink Tutu Street Ballet". A little impromptu street performance, where I could express my joy for dance and maybe encourage a few passers-by to join me. Now, I knew it wouldn't be a perfectly orchestrated, polished performance like you’d see at the Royal Ballet. But that's exactly what I loved about it. It was raw, unfiltered, and completely spontaneous! It’s all about getting people moving and having a laugh!

The initial response was hesitation. I admit I felt a bit self-conscious, but then, a young boy with eyes full of wonder stepped forward. I taught him some basic steps – plies, tendus, and then we ended with a big, beautiful arabesque. The joy on his face, the way he just seemed to radiate with excitement, it was the ultimate confirmation that street ballet can really touch anyone, regardless of age or background.

Soon, a whole family was doing plies on the beach with me, then a young couple who were having their own little dance in the sand. They had to do the full ballet spin to prove they were on the same level. Then there was a girl with a pink fluffy tutu – my kindred spirit, if I ever saw one! - She jumped in and did a pirouette like a true pro! It turned into a fantastic celebration of movement, a real fusion of artistry, and the magic of sharing your passions with the world.

We were all connected by that simple shared experience, and I truly believe it was a moment of magic – a testament to the power of ballet, the wonder of connecting with others through art, and the thrill of stepping out of your comfort zone! There’s no need to over-complicate it; sometimes the simplest things in life bring us the most joy!

And after the joy of dance came the inevitable need for a good cuppa, and what better place to indulge in a steaming mug of tea than at one of South Shields’ many seaside cafes! The gentle murmur of chatter around me, the aroma of freshly brewed tea and the taste of sweet, creamy latte – a true delight!

Before long, it was time for me to hop back on the train and head back to Derbyshire. The journey home, filled with the afterglow of the day’s adventures, seemed to pass by in a blur, each rolling field and swaying tree contributing to a kaleidoscope of happy thoughts. It's the moments like this – the ones that connect you to the simple beauty of life – that make you truly grateful for the chance to share your passions with the world,

But you're not hearing the end of my South Shields adventures. The energy of this town has ignited my soul and set a spark of creativity burning. I know there's so much more to explore in this amazing town – more dance studios, more street performances, more ways to inspire others to embrace their inner tutu.

I know one thing: there’s always another place, another story, and another chance to share the joy of ballet. And with the knowledge that my heart is brimming with possibilities, my tutu packed, and a promise to myself to embrace each adventure, it’s back to Derbyshire I go, where a new day begins and new dreams await!

See you next time, beautiful world!

Lots of love, Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2021-06-16 in South Shields with a black tutu.