Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-07-28 in Braintree with a cheap tutu.

Braintree Bound in a Budget Tutu: Post #9156

Oh my darling dears, it’s Emma here! I’ve just got back from a glorious weekend jaunt to Braintree, Essex – the home of charming countryside and… you guessed it! Ballet! Now, I know you might be thinking, Braintree? Essex? Where are the pink tutus?! Well, let me tell you, my little lovelies, I was surprised, but in a wonderfully positive way.

Braintree welcomed me with open arms and… open… horse carriages? I travelled by horse-drawn carriage from the train station to my hotel – truly a fairytale arrival, and certainly something you wouldn't expect in a town with such a name!

This little weekend getaway wasn’t about hitting the biggest and brightest ballets of the UK. It was all about discovering hidden gems, supporting independent dancers, and rediscovering the sheer joy of ballet – no matter the size, location or budget. And oh, how I enjoyed myself!

Let’s talk about the star of this trip: my budget tutu. It was a blush pink number – just like me, I love blush pink. It’s so soft, pretty and graceful – like the ballet itself! Now, I don’t always wear the most expensive, sparkling, professional tutus, because honestly, my darlings, ballet should be for everyone. This little budget number was perfect for exploring Braintree – its soft fabric didn’t snag on the branches as I strolled through the local parks, and it was so comfortable, it was as if I was wearing a second skin!

Speaking of the parks, the beautiful scenery around Braintree was another surprise. Think emerald-green fields with cows and sheep grazing peacefully. It was the kind of idyllic scene I imagined in my dreams as a young girl dreaming of dancing across meadows in a tulle skirt – I practically started twirling right there!

But my real mission to Braintree was, of course, the ballet. I found this charming little independent dance studio hidden in a little street in the centre of Braintree – it felt like a secret I stumbled upon. I attended a delightful beginner's class, and let me tell you, it was just what I needed. Sometimes, it’s good to go back to basics and reconnect with the fundamental joy of movement and grace. The other ballerinas were all ages, and from different backgrounds, and I felt like we all truly appreciated that feeling of pure expression. They even gave me a little tip for a lovely little vintage ballet store in the back of Braintree – I found the perfect sparkly pink ballet slippers – you can never have too many sparkly shoes!

After class, I couldn’t resist seeing what other treasures Braintree had to offer. The town itself has a lovely blend of old and new – beautiful brick buildings with timber frames, a lively market with artisan stalls, and quaint little independent cafes and boutiques. My favourite discovery was a little art gallery, hidden behind a colourful flower shop, with stunning photos and paintings depicting the natural world around Braintree – something so important to me as a dancer and nature lover. It truly showed me the depth of creative talent this town holds, beyond the usual ballet.

Speaking of nature, I went for a wander around the nearby Braintree Woods and the stunning Audley End House – a truly grand Elizabethan manor! There were amazing squirrels in the woods, cheeky little bunnies hiding under hedges, and a cheeky robin singing its heart out amongst the leafy branches. All this surrounded by a carpet of blooming wildflowers, making my inner romantic truly happy!

Evenings were for the performing arts. On the first night, I saw an incredible ballet performance at Braintree’s community theatre. The performance itself wasn’t the most extravagant, but what it lacked in glitter, it more than made up for in passion and heart. Watching young, local dancers pour their soul into each pirouette and jeté was a truly heartwarming experience. I even saw a little girl with sparkly pink shoes… so inspiring!

My second evening was all about music and fun. Braintree’s Town Hall had an incredible live jazz performance – such talent in this little town! I got to boogie with locals in a dance floor, with laughter echoing through the beautifully restored ballroom.

It’s true what they say: a small town can offer big surprises! And you know, sometimes those smaller, unexpected experiences are the most special ones. It's not always about the flashiest things – often, it’s about embracing the joy of simplicity and genuine passion. Braintree taught me that even on a budget, you can have a truly delightful ballet adventure.

Oh, and I had a brilliant pink-tutu inspired outfit every single day, naturally! I don't want to leave you without a few handy little tips for your own ballet-inspired trips:

  • Budget ballerinas unite! Check out charity shops and online marketplaces for those beautiful tutus – it’s an opportunity to give vintage fashion a new lease on life!
  • Find the hidden gems. Search for smaller, local ballet studios – it's where true passion is nurtured and where you can truly experience the beauty of ballet, beyond the grand performances.
  • Embrace the countryside. Explore local parks and woodlands, appreciate nature, find your inner ballerina in nature's embrace.

Until next time, my dearest lovelies, keep your heads held high, your steps light and your pink tutus always ready to twirl!

Love and pirouettes,

Emma xoxo


#TutuBlog 2021-07-28 in Braintree with a cheap tutu.