
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-12-04 in Droitwich with a german tutu.

Droitwich Delight: Pink Tutu Takes on the Midlands!

Post Number 9285: www.pink-tutu.com

Hello my darlings! Emma here, and I'm absolutely buzzing after a simply divine weekend in Droitwich! You know me, I can't resist a good adventure, and a little jaunt to the Midlands seemed the perfect way to shake off the post-show blues from my last London performance. Now, let me tell you, Droitwich wasn't quite what I expected, but in the best way possible!

Travel by Train - a Truly Romantic Affair

It's no secret that I adore a good train journey. Something about watching the countryside whizz by and indulging in a bit of train-themed reading (my current favourite is "The Railway Children" - absolute classic!) just makes my soul sing. This trip was no different! My journey from Derbyshire was pure magic - imagine a sea of emerald green fields punctuated by charming little villages, all framed by the soft hues of a November sunrise. Perfect, wouldn't you say?

A Droitwich Wonderland!

My first glimpse of Droitwich had me utterly captivated! It's like stepping into a fairytale with its quaint little houses, cobbled streets, and, of course, the absolutely mesmerising salt-laden air. It felt like a scene straight out of "Pride and Prejudice" with its historic charm and genteel atmosphere. Droitwich - I'm smitten!

The "Pink-Tutu-licious" Adventures Begin!

Naturally, no trip is complete without my trusty tutu! Iā€™d opted for my ā€œEnchanted Forestā€ number for this weekend, a magnificent blush pink tulle creation with delicate silver leaf detailing that shimmers like the light catching on a pond at twilight. I figured, "Why not sprinkle a touch of pink-tutu magic on this delightful little town?". And you know what? It went down a treat!

A Touch of Culture: Ballet Dreams in the Midlands

It turns out Droitwich is a hidden gem when it comes to ballet. I discovered a wonderful little dance school nestled right in the heart of town called "Droitwich Dance Academy" - absolutely adorable! The students there were a real delight, filled with such enthusiasm and dedication to the art of dance. Their teachers were just as passionate - a true testament to the power of ballet. It was simply lovely watching these future ballet stars learn and grow, their dreams shining just as brightly as my own when I was their age.

Exploring the "Salty" Side of Life!

Speaking of delights, I had the most wonderful experience visiting the Droitwich Salt Museum. Who knew salt could be so captivating? I learned all about Droitwich's long and fascinating history with salt, from ancient Celtic times right up to the modern day. It was fascinating to see how this town had thrived around salt production for centuries! The salt cellars were just breathtaking - immense caverns lit with golden hues like the inside of a treasure cave! Did I mention I bought a jar of their famous Droitwich Salt too? Just because. You gotta get some!

Horsepower and Heavenly Landscapes

A big highlight for me was taking a ride through the Worcestershire countryside on horseback! It's been a while since Iā€™ve saddled up and I must say, the fresh air and rolling green hills absolutely re-energized me. The scenery was breathtaking - ancient forests giving way to meadows where grazing sheep looked like fluffy white clouds. Oh, the serenity! Itā€™s no wonder they say riding helps soothe the soul.

Droitwich Wildlife Adventures: Tutu Goes Wild

Whatā€™s a pink-tutu girl to do but pay a visit to a wildlife sanctuary? And so I did, heading off to ā€œThe Birdland Park & Gardens" which is a sanctuary filled with the most incredible birds - peacocks, penguins, owls, oh my! I had the best time watching their amazing behaviors and learning about the conservation work that's happening there. It really brought a whole new meaning to my mantra of "spread the pink-tutu love"!

Time to Say "See you soon! - A Farewell to Droitwich

Leaving Droitwich was a bit bittersweet. My heart is full of memories ā€“ from charming market squares and ancient salt mines, to breathtaking scenery and charming locals, Iā€™ll never forget this little slice of Midlands magic. I had a chance encounter with a delightful lady there, she even said my pink tutu brightened up her day! Now, I might be biased, but a little sprinkle of pink-tutu joy goes a long way, doesnā€™t it?

So until next time, Iā€™ll leave you with this little piece of advice - donā€™t let life pass you by! Grab your trusty tutu (it could be pink, it could be whatever you like) and get out there and explore! You never know what kind of adventure awaits.

Until then, keep your pink-tutu spirit high, darlings, and rememberā€¦ the world needs a little more pink!

With love and pink,



Post Number 9285

#TutuBlog 2021-12-04 in Droitwich with a german tutu.