Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-12-11 in Southampton with a yellow tutu.

Southampton Sparkle: Tutu Travels, Post 9292

Hello my darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad adventurer, Emma, checking in from sunny Southampton! (Okay, it’s slightly drizzly today, but you know what they say - "rain or shine, my tutu shines!") This week, I've been swapping my Derbyshire hills for seaside charm and making memories, and I simply had to share this vibrant adventure with you.

So, how did I arrive in Southampton? You guessed it – by train! There’s something so magical about a long train journey, the click-clack of the wheels against the tracks, the glimpse of the countryside rushing by, the aroma of that classic British brew… and a few stolen glances at my favourite magazine – Ballet Monthly, of course!

Southampton itself is like a fairytale. Cobbled streets, historic pubs with names like “The Mermaid” and “The Mayflower,” and harbour views that take your breath away. And while I wouldn’t normally admit this (you know me, I love all things wild and natural), I must confess – the gulls here have some seriously impressive wingspans. They reminded me of my favourite ballerina, Luna, during a particularly dramatic leap in the Swan Lake performance last month. Now that’s what I call grace!

But enough about birds! This trip wouldn’t have been complete without a visit to the ballet studio, The Dancing Flamingo, on the outskirts of the city. (Oh, and just a heads-up, their mascot – a gigantic pink flamingo named Fluffy – greeted me with the warmest hug! Talk about a welcoming committee.)

After a spot of tea (with clotted cream and strawberry jam – oh, the indulgence!), I dove headfirst into an hour of ballet bliss. The instructor, Miss Penelope, was a force of nature, a tiny but powerful woman with a heart as big as her infectious laughter. The class was an absolute delight, with a lovely group of students from all walks of life. It was so inspiring to see people of all ages and abilities find joy in the graceful art of ballet!

Miss Penelope had us working on some elegant turns and grand jetés – I'm sure I felt the air shift slightly during one of my leaps! As always, I tried my hardest to perfect each move and didn't forget my favourite ballerina's words: "Effortless beauty comes from diligent practice.” And honestly? There’s something so calming about knowing that even though I’m not perfect, every tiny step is a win.

After the class, we chatted for ages over another delicious cuppa, sharing stories of our favourite performances and dreams. Miss Penelope confided that she'd once dreamed of touring with the Royal Ballet - something I could totally relate to.

So, if you're ever in Southampton and fancy a bit of graceful movement, The Dancing Flamingo is an absolute must-visit. And if you spot a little pink flamingo mascot with a bright smile? Give her a hug from me!

To end this magical day, I took a lovely stroll along the harbor, my pink tutu swirling in the evening breeze. The city lit up, creating a picture-postcard setting. It was the perfect time for reflection on my own artistic journey.

I may be a little pink tutu-obsessed (just a tiny bit!), but I genuinely believe that anyone can find joy in dance. Every twirl, every graceful step, and every joyous leap - it's a celebration of life.

That's it for this week, darlings! Thank you for joining me on my adventure in Southampton. I'm already dreaming of my next escapade! And remember, as my dearest grandma always says, “Keep twirling and keep smiling!"

Yours in pink, Emma


#TutuBlog 2021-12-11 in Southampton with a yellow tutu.