Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-12-21 in Derby with a cyan tutu.

Derby Daze!

Post Number: 9302

Hello lovelies! 👋

It's Emma here, bringing you a little slice of Derby, fresh from the station platform, where I just hopped off the train! It’s been a little whirlwind of a day, but don’t you worry – I’m catching up on all the action here in a fabulous pink-hued, oh-so-lovely, Derby-themed post!

I absolutely love being in Derby! It's my hometown, where I cut my teeth on dancing as a wee little lass in pink tights and a twirly tutu. Derby's steeped in ballet history and, even though I've been a ballet bird since I was a baby, my love for all things pink tutu keeps getting stronger! 🩰

Today I donned my bright, sunshiney cyan tutu and headed out for a day of adventures – well, my favourite Derby day. Let me tell you, nothing quite compares to seeing my local city from the perspective of a tutu. It’s a beautiful place, and seeing it in this way fills me with happy feelings that make me feel all kinds of sparkly! ✨

The day started with a morning visit to the Derby Arboretum. Oh my, it was heavenly! I twirled with joy as I walked amongst the gorgeous trees, the colourful flowers blooming in their majestic glory, the perfect setting for some impromptu tutu-wearing!

And the wildlife?! It’s truly delightful, don’t you think?! I couldn't resist striking a pose with the local duck families as they waddled happily on the pond. (We all know ballet ducks are the most elegant, wouldn’t you agree? They have such natural grace! ) It's one of my favourite places in Derby to go and get those creative juices flowing, all thanks to that magnificent arboretum that boasts such beautiful, natural beauty. I feel inspired whenever I am there, as if there’s nothing I can’t achieve. Maybe even, one day, get the whole of Derby rocking a pink tutu! 🦩

As the morning unfolded, the sun came out, it was all sunshine and sparkles. Perfect timing for a little ballet class with the most fantastic group of dancers. Ballet class, my dear friends, is simply the perfect way to find some peace, strength and joy within! The music in the studio flowed, filling every part of my soul as we warmed up and danced with effortless abandon. I do love getting my creative spark flowing at the barre! The perfect morning activity, just as soon as I'd stopped giggling about how silly we all looked in our pink tutus! I’m sure we'd make some amazing dancers! 🩰

Lunch was at the delightful Cafe 18, nestled amongst the lovely Georgian buildings and right next to the grand old Derby Theatre – my absolute fave! I’m all about vintage glam, you see! There’s just something about the theatres of our wonderful world! Their majestic beauty! The lights and costumes! So magical, like a scene from one of those beautiful stories we’ve read as little girls! They're my haven, the place where all my dreams and visions start to unfold! 😍

I popped in to watch part of their afternoon rehearsals. Let’s just say it’s like seeing your heart dancing on the stage. I simply adore a ballet performance! There's something so captivating about the fluid grace, the strength and beauty. Even in rehearsals, the ballet class magic shines. Every moment felt like I was caught up in a whirlwind of creativity. 💖

The afternoon saw me head to the Market Place in Derby for a little wander! You never know what gems you'll find, whether it’s a new ballet book to add to my collection, a sparkly headpiece to accessorise with, or even just a tasty cupcake to make my afternoon sweet. I had to go with a delicious custard slice - you’ve gotta support the locals! 😉

By the time the day had started to fade, I felt I had done enough Derbying to keep my little pink heart full and glowing with delight! So I'm back at the station platform now, the carriage beckoning me on the next chapter in my little life. 🚂

But Derby has never been too far from my thoughts, no matter how many miles I wander. It’s my city, where all my ballerina dreams began. It's the place that I can always come back to and be myself, the little girl with the dream in her eyes. That is where my little heart belongs! It’s a city that embraces my twirls, my tutus, my passion for all things pink! That is the kind of energy we all need! ✨

Do let me know if you’re ever in Derby, it’s an amazing city to spend some time, maybe even explore it all with a tutu on, or two! 🥰

And of course, I’ll be posting again tomorrow! So, pop back for some more adventures in pink! 💗

Your favourite ballet girl, Emma x


#TutuBlog 2021-12-21 in Derby with a cyan tutu.