Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-01-11 in Blackpool with a random tutu.

Blackpool Bound, Baby! 🩰💖

Hey gorgeous people,

Welcome to my little corner of the internet, Pink Tutu! It's your girl, Emma, back with another daily dose of tutus, pink and all things dancey! 💃

Today, we're talking Blackpool, which just so happens to be my new favourite city. It’s basically everything you ever dreamt a seaside town could be, all the way up to the top of that iconic tower. The sea air, the smell of salt, the promise of adventure – Blackpool’s got it all, baby. Plus, it has amazing chips, I swear it. But the main reason for my visit today is the Blackpool Grand Theatre.

You know how I feel about the theatre, right? It's where dreams come true, baby! I mean, where else can you witness such raw emotion, such incredible artistry, and frankly, such beautiful costumes, all at the same time? And don't even get me started on the music - my soul soars when a live orchestra hits those high notes. I tell you what, theatre's magical! And Blackpool Grand, well, let me tell you, they sure know how to put on a good show. I'm so excited I can't even stand still, I'm already halfway down the street with my tutu twirling!

Speaking of which… this tutu! Remember when I told you about that random online marketplace that ships me the wildest and most unexpected tutus? Yeah, well this little number is one for the ages. Pink, naturally, with little baby blue bows dotted all over it. It's almost too whimsical for a theatre night out, almost. But that's what I love about it - it breaks the mold! Blackpool is definitely going to be witness to this piece of sheer awesomeness, I can just feel it.

I don't want to get carried away, but before we talk theatre, let's rewind for a minute. Getting to Blackpool is always an adventure. This time, I decided to take a train. A little train, just me and my bags full of dresses, tulle and glitter… What can I say, I just can't travel in anything other than full glamour! It wasn't as fast as the horses but it had the most charming conductor. Imagine a man who'd seen more miles on those railways than anyone, but his smile was still wide and full of good humour - pure delight, the way a train should be. You know what? I’m pretty sure the whole carriage was giggling with me by the end of the journey. Who knew train travel could be so… exciting!

Then we got to Blackpool. Now, here's the thing. There's this thing, well not a thing, a thing I have with the seaside, a real fondness for the big blue yonder and all the wildlife in it. As soon as I got off the train and breathed that fresh, salty air, I was just overcome with this... excitement. I had to visit the beach, had to. My toes were begging to be in the sand, so I raced straight for the shore. I found a quiet corner right under a seagull perched on a bench with a real amazing view of the whole beach, and my dear, I almost burst into tears I was so happy. My boots did need a good scrub though, let me tell you!

Anyways, it's starting to get dark now and my little tummy's starting to grumble – it’s fish and chips for dinner, I’m feeling adventurous today. Tomorrow morning, before we dive into the theatricals, we're going to head out early to catch the sunrise over the sea... I'll share a couple of photos of the view on Insta later, and you've gotta stay tuned because there's gonna be some really, really epic pics coming your way soon! The stage lights, the dance steps, the costumes, it's going to be magic, believe me!

But for now, you can follow me over on Instagram @pink.tutu and keep an eye out on the www.pink-tutu.com website for blog post 9323. That's where I’ll share everything in more detail, including all the tips for a glamorous seaside holiday, the details of my ballet street dancing class tomorrow, and, naturally, the details on the amazing tutu I'm wearing today! I can't wait to share this exciting new adventure with you all, gorgeous!

Sending you love, kisses, and sunshine,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2022-01-11 in Blackpool with a random tutu.