Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-01-31 in Hammersmith with a white tutu.

Hammersmith Sparkle: A Pink Tutu Adventure

Post 9343

Hello my lovely tutu-wearers! It's Emma here, back from another fabulous adventure, this time with a little trip to Hammersmith, London! Now, I know what you're thinking - "Emma, isn't Hammersmith a bit… well, ordinary?" But trust me, darling, this trip was anything but. It was a total, glorious whirl of tutus, dancing, and enough pink to make your heart sing!

As always, I couldn't resist hopping on a train - there's something magical about travelling by steam engine, isn't there? I just adore the clatter and rhythm of the wheels on the track, a bit like a perfect pas de deux, really! I must confess, I wore my white tutu for the journey. It just felt right for a little weekend escape. Imagine, my fellow tutu-lovers, me in a beautiful white tutu, swirling as the train zoomed through the countryside! Picture it, a delicate butterfly flitting through fields of wildflowers… ah, blissful!

Once I reached Hammersmith, I couldn't wait to unleash my inner ballerina. I went straight to the fabulous Dance Palace Studios - they have the most incredible selection of ballet classes! And of course, a delightful shop packed with tutus in every shade imaginable, and trust me, pink took centre stage, as it should!

The class I took was absolutely heavenly, all graceful moves and elegant lines, and topped off with the most delightful pink ribbons to weave through our steps! It was like dancing on air, honestly! We did a lovely grand jeté right into the final stretch, and oh, my aching but happy legs were definitely a happy sight to behold. And afterwards? Well, it's all about the afternoon tea, of course! I had the most charming little cafe with delicious pink cakes – a lovely, ladylike treat, just as the occasion demanded.

My Hammersmith trip wouldn't have been complete without a proper dose of ballet performance, now, would it? Luckily, there was a delightful evening performance by the Royal Ballet in a nearby theatre. They did this amazing, daring new work about butterflies and their amazing transformations. (How very us pink tutu wearers!) The dancers were dazzling, the costumes were spectacular and there were feathers galore, a girl's dream come true, darling!

And then, after such an exciting day, you might wonder what happened? Oh, I popped into the lovely ballet library at the nearby museum to admire all the historical tutus, and guess what? One of them was even pink! My heart simply soared! You just have to love how even years ago, people knew that pink and ballet belong together!

So, what’s next on the horizon, my lovely pink-tutu-loving friends? I've got a wonderful journey planned – I’ll be taking a long gallop on horseback through the Yorkshire Dales, I'll even try and get a few of the ponies to join in a ballet class – why not? (They are always very good with humans in my experience, and love dancing around as much as we do) ! I’m so excited to bring you all on this grand adventure - make sure to stay tuned for a pas de bourrée through the rolling hills!

Remember my little darlings, the only limit to your dreams is your own imagination. Don't be afraid to dream big, embrace your inner ballerina, and don't be afraid to put on a pink tutu and just be yourself! Until next time, keep swirling and stay fabulous!

Love always,




#TutuBlog 2022-01-31 in Hammersmith with a white tutu.