Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-04-11 in Kettering with a italian tutu.

Kettering Calling! 🩰🇮🇹

Hey everyone! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, and guess what? I'm back with another post, this time from the delightful town of Kettering! That's right, I've packed my bags (and a few extra tutus, just in case) and ventured out to explore this charming little corner of England. You might be wondering why I've chosen Kettering, and let me tell you, there's a reason, dear readers.

But first, a little chat about what's going on in the wonderful world of pink tutus and ballet.

Spreading the Pink Tutu Love 💕

You know my mission in life is to make the world a pinker, twirlier place, one tutu at a time! And I have to say, things are looking good! Last week, I managed to get a whole office full of accountants to don a pink tutu for a charity photoshoot - their surprised faces when they saw their reflection were priceless! (You'll find the photos on www.pink-tutu.com, don't forget to check out my previous post #9412)! But this mission requires global effort, darling!

Now, where were we? Ah yes, Kettering.

A Little Italian Adventure in Kettering 🇮🇹

This week I’ve had a most incredible experience in Kettering! Let me paint a picture: sunshine, a quaint little Italian cafe on the high street (think vintage furniture, checkered tablecloths and that mouthwatering smell of espresso) – oh, and did I mention a fabulous ballet class taught by the most incredible Italian maestra?!

You see, a lovely reader told me about this amazing opportunity! Turns out, Kettering hosts a series of pop-up ballet classes by a fantastic visiting Italian maestra – Giulia, whose talent for dance and charisma is truly enchanting. She gave me an entire lesson on “Il Ballo”, which means dance, but Giulia doesn’t just teach dance, she tells a story with every pirouette, makes every plie a piece of art.

Giulia had this gorgeous handmade tutu – imagine a rich, royal burgundy and a generous, generous, layer of frills, each made with that Italian attention to detail. She explained it was a design straight from her grandmother's studio in Florence. The material was this dreamy soft silk, the colour reminded me of that rich red velvet they use in operas.

We practiced the moves she showed us under the large, sun-soaked windows of this little cafe, overlooking a beautiful brick square with an old bandstand in the centre, all filled with the melody of Giulia's dancing!

You see, she not only showed us moves, she had us learn them through improvisation, telling us to let the music guide us, and be creative!

After the lesson, I took my time walking the pretty cobbled streets of Kettering, imagining the stories each house and window might hold, sipping an Americano at this delightful cafe and soaking in the sunshine. This trip wasn't just about the dance, it was a perfect blend of a quaint, English town, beautiful Italian heritage and, of course, a touch of pink tutu magic.

Kettering: A Treasure for the Senses 💎

So, yes, Kettering, I was pleasantly surprised! And to those who might be wondering, it's more than just a charming place with a cute cafe; it's a haven for lovers of all things artsy. Kettering has this beautifully preserved 1930s cinema that screens independent and classic films, a fabulous theatre that has these fantastic community-run plays, and some of the prettiest green spaces that make me long for my childhood in Derbyshire, running around barefoot in the grass!

On this particular trip, I discovered that Kettering has this fantastic, beautiful park, called Wicksteed Park, full of all sorts of fun, from a mini-golf course and an ancient-looking carousel with painted horses, to the cutest petting zoo ever. It really takes you back to those carefree, magical moments when you were a kid. I have to say, it wasn’t as posh as that posh “English garden” everyone seems to go to in the posh magazines, but in its unassuming, genuine way, Wicksteed Park was so much more than I ever imagined, and I loved spending the afternoon just being a child again!

After a picnic lunch in the park, my evening in Kettering saw me soaking in the beauty of the natural world - I caught a performance by Kettering Town Concert Band playing under the starry night sky. Honestly, this whole place, it just charmed the socks off of me!

Travel Tales: A Journey By Rail 🚂

Now, let's talk about getting there. Did you know I’ve been trying to travel more by train? Trains have that kind of magic to them, and I especially love the charming old railway stations, with their historic details and charming little cafes where you can watch the world go by. I felt like I was stepping back in time, and the scenery flying past the windows made me wish I could have taken this route home.

This little trip had everything: beautiful architecture, the charm of a town filled with secrets to explore, delightful food and a dash of Italy - what more could I ask for?

Don't Forget, Pink is the New Black 💖

I've found that every corner of England (and I imagine the world) holds little treasures, waiting to be discovered. So remember to step out of your comfort zone, don your favourite pink tutu and embark on your own adventure! And while you’re at it, let's keep spreading the pink tutu love - I know I have many, many more posts coming for you to keep up with this delightful journey!

With a big, pink tutu-loving hug,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2022-04-11 in Kettering with a italian tutu.