
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-04-27 in Leith with a german tutu.

Leith: A German Tutu Tale (Post #9429)

Hello my gorgeous Tutu Tribe! πŸ©°πŸ’–

It's Emma here, bringing you the latest instalment from my whirlwind tour of the UK. Today's destination? Leith, Edinburgh! I just love the name, it sounds like something out of a fairytale, and Edinburgh itself is positively magical. It feels like the city has been plucked straight from a Jane Austen novel, complete with cobbled streets and grand old buildings. It's a place that makes you feel like you could stumble upon a charming tea room on every corner.

My trip to Leith, however, wasn't all quaint cafes and history. Today was all about ballet - well, almost! You see, I'm a girl who loves to travel in style, and this time, my journey involved a rather unusual mode of transport. Forget taxis and buses - today, I travelled in style with my new German friend, Gunther. Yes, a horse. Gunther is a gorgeous, big chestnut horse, with a shiny coat and a kind eye, who took me on a scenic journey through the Scottish countryside. I must confess, I had to pull on my riding boots and trade my usual tutu for a more practical pair of jodhpurs - a real shame, because I'd packed a dazzling pink tulle number that would have looked utterly fabulous against the verdant landscape.

But it wasn't all about the ride - my real destination was the Royal Ballet School of Scotland. Let's just say, it was like stepping into a dreamscape. You know I adore anything to do with ballet, and walking into that studio, seeing the barre set up, hearing the soft echo of music in the air - it sent shivers down my spine. I'd dreamed of attending the Royal Ballet School as a girl, so it felt almost unreal to be standing in its hallowed halls.

They're doing some amazing work there, encouraging young, aspiring ballerinas to reach for the stars. I actually spent the afternoon observing a class, mesmerized by the young girls as they pirouetted and leapt with grace and effortless precision. It warmed my heart to see such dedication and passion for dance. I have to admit, the thought of getting back into my tutu and joining them was terribly tempting - but, alas, my ageing dancer's knees would probably have made a rather undignified appearance! πŸ˜‚

I've mentioned before how passionate I am about sharing my love for ballet with the world. Seeing these budding young dancers, with their focus and dreams, filled me with such joy and reminded me of my own journey with ballet. There’s nothing more wonderful than seeing the magic of dance ignite someone's spirit, so who knows, maybe I'll even find a way to start some ballet workshops for grown-up girls in the future! Just imagine, us twirling around in our pink tutus, finding joy in movement, and reclaiming that feeling of childlike wonder that only ballet can provide. πŸ©°πŸ’•

After my ballet lesson, I found myself wandering through Leith's vibrant harbour, its air thick with the salty tang of the sea. It's such a delightful area, brimming with quaint shops, cafes, and art galleries, perfect for spending a lazy afternoon. And while I indulged in some delicious freshly baked bread from the local bakery - yum! - I couldn't help but be reminded of a beautiful ballerina who took my heart when I first saw her performance on the stage in London last year. Her movements were fluid and elegant, reminding me of a majestic swan gliding through the water. It sparked a desire in me to learn more about her style of ballet and about the world of the theatre itself.

Speaking of swans, I had a lovely encounter later in the day at the nearby wildlife sanctuary. Imagine this: surrounded by verdant greenery, with the sound of bird song all around me, and there they were, majestic swans gliding on the water, their feathers reflecting the sun like burnished gold. It felt like stepping into a storybook! I sat there, mesmerised, and realised how much our everyday world is full of hidden magic - if we just open our eyes and hearts to it.

It was an incredible day in Leith, and although I only spent a few hours in this charming corner of Edinburgh, I left feeling inspired and refreshed. I can’t wait to share more adventures with you, and as always, remember - life is better in pink and with a tutu on! πŸ˜‰

Don’t forget to follow my daily adventures at www.pink-tutu.com. Sending you all my love and pirouette wishes,

Emma πŸ’–πŸ©°πŸ’‹

#TutuBlog 2022-04-27 in Leith with a german tutu.