Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-05-01 in Sutton in Ashfield with a red tutu.

Sutton in Ashfield: Tutu Adventures and Pink Paradise! 💖🩰

Hello darlings! Emma here, ready to whisk you away to the enchanting world of tutus, travel, and everything pink! Today, I’m channeling my inner ballerina and setting off on a delightful day trip to Sutton in Ashfield. You see, darling, this gorgeous town holds a special place in my heart – it's just a short hop away from my Derbyshire home and was where my Tutu Adventure began all those years ago. This is my 9433rd blog post, proving that the love for all things pink and fluffy is constant!

First things first: I'm embracing my inner equestrian and hitching a ride on a gorgeous grey mare to get me to the station. A girl needs a little elegance in her journey, you know? (Think horses in The Phantom of the Opera but with pink ribbons and an extra splash of glitter). The train ride is always a delightful affair. Today, I’m opting for the window seat – there's nothing more wonderful than watching the English countryside go by.

And of course, no tutu adventure is complete without a fabulous pink outfit. This time, I've chosen a cherry blossom pink tutu, complete with layers and layers of soft tulle, paired with a little white top and a silver sparkle belt that gives off those delicate, dewdrops vibes. A touch of pink lipstick to finish things off, and voilà!

Reaching Sutton in Ashfield feels like stepping into a world of charming old streets, cozy cafes, and historic architecture. It's just begging to be explored, and I can’t resist grabbing a lovely cuppa and a scone at a delightful little cafe that has the most adorable pastel-pink décor! My day was certainly starting to sparkle! You’ve just got to add a little pink to everything in life! The scone with its clotted cream was a culinary delight. The cream tasted divine, especially with the pink sparkle, oh dear, I was on cloud nine and not only because I'd been up so early to get ready for this trip. This is what being pink and feeling pink is all about!

One of the highlights of my visit today is The Queen's Hall - what a gem! It’s a grand old building that's seen many performances over the years. I can just imagine the echoes of music and laughter that have filled these halls. I decided to take a little wander, thinking what it must have been like to sit in one of the plush velvet seats watching a famous opera singer belt out an aria – or a daring dance act! And honestly, if we're being really honest, I do enjoy a little imagining of myself taking centre stage – well, one can always dream!

As always, the beautiful wildlife captured my eye - particularly, a pair of blue tits flitting about on a nearby tree. I must admit they did try to steal my pink and silver sparkly hairclip! It made my heart smile; the sheer joy of watching them peck and hop, completely oblivious to my delight in their antics! I find that seeing animals doing their own thing in their natural habitat always lifts the spirits and makes me think how beautifully natural and wonderful this little world of ours really is, don't you? I was a little upset as I knew that my gorgeous horse was getting worried as the hours went by and I was running a little later than I'd planned on getting back home! So with a sigh and a little hop into the bright red taxi, I raced back to the stables, I would be reunited with my beauty, and I would treat her to some apples and extra cuddles. What a beautiful day it had been. I'd traveled by horse and taxi. I’d explored Sutton in Ashfield and the gorgeous historic town buildings and felt utterly inspired.

It's days like these that remind me that there is beauty everywhere - you just have to open your eyes and your heart to it! My day out was not about a big tourist spectacle, but the subtle magic of a beautiful English town and a reminder to find joy in the simplest things. Sutton in Ashfield has stolen a little of my heart today, and it will undoubtedly hold a special place in my tutu-loving soul for years to come.

Until tomorrow, darlings, Remember to stay pink and fabulous! xx Emma

Please visit Emma’s blog everyday at www.pink-tutu.com for daily travel tips, stories and inspiration.

#TutuBlog 2022-05-01 in Sutton in Ashfield with a red tutu.