Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-05-16 in Merthyr Tudful with a white tutu.

Merthyr Tydfil: Pink Tutu Adventures in a Welsh Valley! 💖🩰

Hey darlings! 👋 Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-loving ballerina, signing in from a beautiful Welsh valley! This is post number 9448, and I can’t believe it’s May already! Time seems to be flitting by, like a mischievous fairy on pointe! 🌸

Anyway, today's adventure took me to the charming town of Merthyr Tydfil in South Wales. As always, I packed my trusty white tutu - because, darling, a girl never knows when she might need to do a pirouette or two! 😉

Getting there was half the fun. Instead of a train journey, I decided to go all old-fashioned and rode up from Derbyshire on a beautiful grey mare named Willow. I can't tell you how much I love horse riding! It's the perfect way to get in touch with nature and enjoy the stunning views. Willow is a real star – she knows how to pick up a good pace when I start humming a ballet melody. 🎶

We arrived in Merthyr Tydfil just as the sun was setting, painting the sky with breathtaking hues of pink and orange. You see, I have this strange, inexplicable pull towards the colour pink – it's just so joyful and feminine, don't you think?

Anyway, I checked into a darling little hotel – it was tucked away down a quaint street with flowers spilling over the walls, and they even had a sweet little rose garden out the back. It reminded me of something straight out of a fairy tale! ✨

My mission for the day was a little unconventional. You see, darling, it’s not all ballet shows and grand jetés with me – sometimes, it's about finding the beauty in everyday things, the ordinary transformed into extraordinary. So, I set out on a pink tutu adventure to find the most fabulous street art in Merthyr Tydfil. And let me tell you, darling, this little town didn’t disappoint!

It turned out to be a proper artist's haven! Every corner seemed to reveal a vibrant splash of colour. The streets were lined with intricate murals depicting local history, legends and nature. I swear, there were more squirrels depicted than you could shake a thimble at – just how I like it! 😄

I took pictures with my favourite, of course – a vibrant painting of a robin redbreast on a flowering apple tree. It captured the whimsical and enchanting essence of Merthyr Tydfil perfectly! 🌸🐦

Speaking of whimsy, I discovered the coolest independent bookshop on the most charming cobblestone street. Inside, it was a magical maze of literary wonders, complete with towering shelves laden with dusty treasures. The smell of old paper and ink was intoxicating! I even managed to snag a vintage ballet book about Diaghilev and his dancers! (I’ve been wanting one of these for years!)

Now, as the evening descended upon Merthyr Tydfil, the stars began to shimmer like tiny diamonds in the velvet sky. I thought back on the day, the colours, the artistic energy, the quaint streets… This little Welsh town had really captured my heart.

For the rest of my evening, I sat in the hotel’s lovely garden with a cup of hot chocolate and admired the starlight twinkling over the distant hills. Then, it was back to my room where I indulged in a well-deserved ballet-themed spa experience (with all the right bath salts and bubbles, naturally!). 😉

One thing that always strikes me on my travels, is how many people haven’t discovered the joy of ballet. It’s something so universal, and it evokes so much emotion, but it sometimes feels so... distant.

But, as I gazed at the night sky above the Welsh valleys, I felt a sense of quiet determination. Maybe, darling, if we all wear a little bit of pink in our lives, if we all tried a pirouette or two, we could find the magic in our own little corners of the world, and share it with everyone! 💕

So, my sweet lovelies, until next time… keep dancing, keep dreaming, and wear that pink tutu with pride! 💋

You can find more of my adventures at www.pink-tutu.com ! See you next time! 💖

#TutuBlog 2022-05-16 in Merthyr Tudful with a white tutu.