Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-06-15 in Small Heath with a pink leotard.

TutuBlog: Small Heath in a Pink Leotard

Post 9478

Hello my darling TutuLovers! It’s Emma, and you’re tuning in to the world of Pink-Tutu.com - where every day is a dance, every city a stage, and every outfit is a masterpiece! Today we’re on the move, and guess what? No plane rides for this glamorous gal today, we're indulging in a little bit of classic romance. A train ride to the beautiful and historical city of Small Heath!

Remember my post last week where I shared the joys of a trip to a delightful zoo and marvelled at the majesty of the zebras and monkeys? Well, let's be honest, I always manage to sneak in a little bit of my favourite colour wherever I go! That's right - the zoo wasn't immune to my Pink Tutu influence. A beautiful, blushing pink flamingo was my favourite creature of the day - such grace, such elegance. The flamingo reminded me of one of my favourite ballet positions – “Arabesque,” where the dancer leans back from their leg as they stretch their body into an extended, graceful curve.

But back to Small Heath! Today's outfit was a delightful blend of pink and purple. I felt like a fairy ballerina prancing across the platform at Derby Station. Imagine, my lovely readers, a pink leotard that shimmers in the sunlight, topped with a tulle skirt the colour of amethyst, and let's not forget the tutu! Naturally, it’s a soft shade of pink that catches the light and whispers to everyone “look at me!” This is my perfect "everyday ballet” outfit.

As the train journey took me further and further away from the familiar rolling hills of my beloved Derbyshire, my imagination started to whirl. Would I bump into a famous ballet dancer, meet the next up-and-coming star? Would the streets of Small Heath be adorned with street ballet? Would I be the catalyst, the one who inspires a new wave of ballet in this corner of England? The possibilities!

We arrived at Small Heath Station. Such an intriguing station, and the buildings were charming with half-timbered fronts – you could practically smell the history! It took me back to watching old films about Britain and I imagined gentlemen in suits stepping off the train to head to work, and the women in elegant dresses getting off to visit shops and take tea with friends. It was so elegant. The only thing that could possibly improve my afternoon would be if I had an old-fashioned horse-drawn carriage waiting outside to take me to my destination.

After a quick cup of tea from the tea-room in the station, which tasted delicious, like the kind of tea you'd have served from a vintage teapot to a glamorous guest on a sunny afternoon, I set off to find the very thing I love: a ballet performance! The Ballet theatre was so beautiful, even more stunning than the images on their website, with ornate carvings that would've made a Disney princess jealous!

Oh, I simply must share with you my favourite moment from the performance! There was a piece with a dramatic, dark choreography which had so much power. The ballerina, so strong and fierce, danced as if the stage were a canvas, painting an epic tale with every step and gesture. It reminded me why I love ballet so much. The strength, the beauty, the storytelling – it’s all so powerful and profound! And don't even get me started on the tutu! A brilliant red – such a dramatic statement on the dark stage. I couldn't help but stand up at the end and applaud.

The whole evening was a dream – the performances were wonderful, the atmosphere of the theatre was enchanting, and I'm already dreaming of a return trip.

But my journey wasn’t over yet, darling. My tutu, you see, it has a magic about it. Wherever it goes, it creates an air of excitement, a sense of community, and a love for the artistry of dance! You can practically feel the pulse of the dance and the rhythm of music pulsing through the streets. Even after the grand finale of the ballet performance and the thunderous applause that shook the very rafters, I was drawn to the streets of Small Heath. It was like a silent invitation, a whispered suggestion. "Come join me, explore me, let your spirit take flight," the streets of Small Heath seemed to say.

Oh, how could I resist? My feet were already tapping to a joyful rhythm as I slipped out into the night, ready to spread some tutu-magic across this fascinating town. I followed a familiar, pink, glowing thread leading me towards a street ballet class taking place on the outskirts of town. My heart raced. Was this meant to be? The rhythm of ballet in every step, every city? I was hooked! I took my place in the class. The instructors were wonderful, kind and encouraging, and in the moments I was surrounded by other beautiful souls, learning the art of grace, strength and expressing myself, I felt pure happiness and a deep, inner satisfaction that is the essence of being a TutuLover! It wasn’t the classical ballet style I was used to – it was street ballet with elements of modern dance. It felt so energizing and freeing! What better way to end a day filled with ballet and inspiration! As I spun around on my pointe shoes with the group of excited students in their colourful and sparkly clothes, my Tutu felt like an embodiment of this joy.

Afterward, as the city lights twinkled like stars and the soft music of a street band wafted on the air, I thought to myself "It’s all in the journey." It’s not always about the big, spectacular performance. Sometimes it’s the little moments, the moments that feel spontaneous and joyous, the moments of discovery and shared passion – these moments are what bring a dancer’s heart alive!

So what have I learned from this unforgettable trip to Small Heath? Firstly, every day can be a ballet! From the grand theatre to the small community classes, the essence of dance and its connection to the art of life shines in every corner. Secondly, there’s nothing more delightful than discovering a town with a heartbeat of dance. And lastly, as I write this on my train journey back to Derbyshire, the Pink Tutu feels a little more sparkly and vibrant. The love for ballet in this city was simply electric and it just feels good. Every city is a waiting stage, and you, yes you darling TutuLover, have the power to bring the music and the grace wherever you go!

Until tomorrow! Stay true to your Tutu, let it guide you on your adventures, and remember that there’s always something amazing waiting just around the corner.

Yours in dance,


#TutuBlog 2022-06-15 in Small Heath with a pink leotard.