
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-07-25 in Bromsgrove with a purple tutu.

Bromsgrove: A Purple Tutu Adventure! šŸ©° šŸ’œ

Post #9518

Hello my lovely pink tutu followers! Itā€™s Emma here, and Iā€™m absolutely buzzing to tell you all about my incredible day out in Bromsgrove. Now, if you're thinking, "Bromsgrove? What on earth is there to do there, Emma?" Well, let me tell you, my dear friends, sometimes the most unexpected places hold hidden gems!

First things first, letā€™s talk outfit! My usual vibrant pink tutu just wasnā€™t cutting it for todayā€™s outing. I decided on something a little different, something with a hint of mystery and a touch of regal elegance ā€“ a beautiful purple tutu! The color just spoke to me, it was like a whisper of the Lavender Fields of Derbyshire in the summertime, which are some of my favorite places on earth, and reminded me of the lovely purple blooms that were so vibrant during my last visit to the butterfly gardens. The tutu flowed around me like a wave of silk as I waltzed my way through Bromsgrove town centre, feeling like a fairy princess, and trust me, there were a few surprised (but delighted!) glances from passers-by!

Bromsgrove has such a quaint, historic feel, and Iā€™m a sucker for architecture that tells stories. The stunningly beautiful, historic buildings of Bromsgrove really got me in a "choreographed steps around the town" kind of mood, so, of course, a spontaneous ballet moment on the cobblestones was an absolute must. If I could only get everyone on the street to join me... Imagine the spectacle! The sound of our pink tutus swishing around as we twirled and pirouetted in a mass choreography? Ah, such a delightful dream! Maybe someday, but Iā€™m willing to do my bit to get more folks wearing tutus, even in the unlikeliest places!

But it wasnā€™t all ballet steps and pretty tutus, oh no! I also enjoyed an absolutely fantastic visit to the beautiful Avoncroft Museum of Buildings. Talk about stepping back in time! Itā€™s a unique open-air museum, home to a collection of charming historical buildings relocated from around Worcestershire. Walking through those old cottages and workshops was like taking a journey through time, and, naturally, my ballet mind saw a million story possibilities to be brought to life on the stage. What would a 19th-century blacksmith be like if he was a dancer? Would his hammer be a prop or an extension of his leg? So many creative sparks were ignited on this visit.

For lunch, I found a little cafƩ called "The Pantry" and was blown away by the most delicious, wholesome salad I have ever had! A truly decadent medley of fresh vegetables and herbs - all grown locally. Oh, my, it was the perfect fuel for my afternoon adventures. As I finished the last morsel, I just knew it would be a magical afternoon, because nothing, and I mean nothing, gets me more excited than a beautiful and filling lunch, except for possibly seeing a magnificent animal!

My heart, which has already a very special place for my pink tutu, always has room for an extra flutter of excitement when it comes to wildlife, so after a visit to the museum, I took the horse and carriage, a very beautiful green horse-drawn carriage that reminded me of carriages in those fairytales with beautiful dancing horses and elegant ladies in stunning dresses and magnificent feathered hats. What a delight. The carriage dropped me off at the entrance to a delightful wildlife park called the Wildwood Trust. I'm a total nature lover, so you can just imagine my squeals of delight when I spotted a fluffy owl, and a rather grumpy badger! They really do know how to put on a show ā€“ they just sit there, radiating a kind of peaceful power that is mesmerising to behold. I couldnā€™t help myself; I had to bust out a little pirouette around those owls - after all, who can resist a little bit of graceful dancing when surrounded by nature's finest performers?

Now, I know you all are dying to hear about the highlight of the trip, right? Well, guess what? I saw a unicorn! I know what you're thinking, you probably didnā€™t believe it. ā€œUnicorns donā€™t exist, Emma!ā€ But I'm telling you, it was truly a sight to behold - a graceful, beautiful, pink unicorn galloping across the meadow! šŸ¦„

Yes, my pink tutu, you read that correctly, a real-life unicorn. The beautiful majestic creature gracefully trotted past me and stood staring me in the eyes, which, were almost a kaleidoscope of rainbow colors, like they were holding secrets of every flower on earth and every glittering rainbow Iā€™ve ever seen. It felt like the world held its breath, and the world shimmered in a magical glow. I had to resist the urge to start dancing for that magnificent unicorn, as beautiful and mythical as anything Iā€™ve ever dreamed up for my stage productions.

But alas, my dear friends, it seems I've taken a wrong turn somewhere. Turns out it was only a pony wearing a pink headband that looked suspiciously like a unicorn's horn. I'm not sure who was more confused, me or the pony! šŸ˜‚ I laughed till I cried - how could I have been fooled by such a simple illusion? But to be honest, that silly little pony is exactly the kind of lighthearted joy that Bromsgrove gave me today! It's a reminder to see the magic in the ordinary, to embrace the whimsical and the delightful.

Speaking of magical, donā€™t forget to sign up for my Ballet Beginnerā€™s Class next month, held at the fantastic Stourbridge School of Dance, so that you, yes you, can experience the beauty and joy of ballet. Weā€™ll have tutus of every colour and an abundance of laughter, just like today. You donā€™t have to have any experience, the class is tailored to absolute beginners, and, you will meet some wonderful friends along the way.

My final thought for today, dear friends, life is a stage and the world is your audience. Donā€™t be afraid to take center stage and dance your way through every moment! Until next time, let your pink tutu be your compass, guiding you towards adventures both whimsical and grand!

Keep twirling! Emma.

#TutuBlog 2022-07-25 in Bromsgrove with a purple tutu.