
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-08-02 in Melton Mowbray with a american style tutu.

Melton Mowbray: A Pink Tutu Adventure πŸ©°πŸ’–

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, back with another daily dose of pink tutus and all things ballet. Today's post, number 9526 on the www.pink-tutu.com journey, takes me to Melton Mowbray, a charming little town in Leicestershire.

I have to say, getting here was a total dream. Forget stuffy planes! I travelled by train, with a carriage all to myself. You can't beat the romance of a journeying on rails past green rolling hills, the rhythm of the tracks a perfect prelude to a day of twirling.

Melton Mowbray, a real hidden gem! This delightful town, renowned for its pork pies (something I must definitely try later!), just seemed to radiate a welcoming charm.

Now, why did I come here you ask? Because, as you all know, ballet isn't confined to a studio or a theatre, it's a lifestyle. And Melton Mowbray was holding its annual Victorian Fair, complete with a grand Victorian tea party! Perfect opportunity for me to spread the pink tutu gospel.

My outfit today was a playful fusion of the classic and the contemporary. I opted for a gorgeous blush pink tutu – think classic ballet shape, but with a modern touch of airy layers. To offset the softness, I chose a vintage black lace corset with a tiny bit of shimmer and some edgy lace-up boots. Oh, and my signature feather boa, in a shade of pink I call "Sunset Strawberry."

Stepping into the Victorian fair, I felt an instant transformation. It's like the air itself became a romantic waltz. There were beautiful ladies with elaborate hats, dapper gents with handlebar moustaches, and the air hummed with the soft sounds of a string quartet.

As always, my pink tutu attracted the attention, causing waves of delighted smiles. Children would run up, giggling, to say hello, parents would snap pictures, and some even commented on how the tutu was making them want to take up ballet again! This is what I live for! πŸ’–

After the grand Victorian tea (delicious, of course!), it was time for the real highlight - the "Ballet on the Square" competition! I love seeing how people interpret ballet beyond the traditional setting. There was everything from modern ballet, hip-hop fusion to a rather daring street dance performance!

One little girl, perhaps eight years old, caught my eye. She performed with such passion and grace, in a homemade tutu, not sparkling and professional like mine, but just so beautiful in its simplicity. It made me remember why I fell in love with ballet. The joy of movement, of expressing yourself.

But it wasn't just ballet on show today! The Victorian fair showcased amazing things - crafts, handmade jewelry, delicious food from local businesses, and even a petting zoo!

Oh, and did I mention the petting zoo? I adore animals, and watching children giggling as they interacted with the furry inhabitants of the zoo was a true joy! Perhaps one day, I'll even be brave enough to do a tutu-inspired photoshoot with some adorable creatures. Now that would be a post worth writing!

I'll be honest, my heart felt a bit sad leaving the fair, feeling the gentle buzz of joyful energy dissipate as I got on the train home. But that's just the nature of these adventures, isn't it? We create little pockets of magic in time, moments to cherish.

But before I leave you for today, my dears, let's reflect. What can we learn from our little adventure in Melton Mowbray?

  1. Ballet is everywhere. Don't just go to a ballet studio - take your passion out into the world! Dance in a park, a square, even a Victorian fair!

  2. It’s the little things that count. You don’t need a professional tutu to dance with your heart - the passion shines through in any outfit!

  3. The magic happens when we share our passions. The joy I felt in Melton Mowbray was because of the people I met. Their smiles, their curiosity made the trip truly special.

  4. Tutus are a force for good. They have the power to bring people together and to inspire them. And we’re going to spread that joy across the world, one tutu at a time!

And speaking of inspiration, my dear readers, tell me what inspired you today. Did you spot a pink tutu out and about? Or did something sparkle in your day that made you want to dance?

Until next time, twirl on!

πŸ’– Emma

#TutuBlog 2022-08-02 in Melton Mowbray with a american style tutu.