Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-08-13 in Wellington with a food themed tutu.

Wellington Wonders: A Pink Tutu Adventure!

#TutuBlog 9537

Hello darlings!

Emma here, fresh off the train from a whirlwind trip to Wellington, New Zealand! (Yes, you read that right, I finally conquered the Antipodes!) I have so many fabulous things to share from this gorgeous city that oozes with charm and culture, but before I dive in, let's talk about the journey.

Now, normally I wouldn't choose a plane over a train journey, but getting to Wellington required a bit of travel magic. It's a good thing my dear friend Amelia is a whizz with online bookings and securing travel bargains! (Seriously, she deserves a medal – or at least a big glass of pink prosecco.) The flight was smooth, even the turbulence couldn't faze me as I was wrapped in my gorgeous tulle creation – you wouldn't believe the dreamy pink blush it was!

But Wellington truly deserves a standing ovation for its own charming transport system – and not just the delightful harbour views from the iconic ferry! I took the historic Cable Car to the summit of Mount Victoria, where you can gaze across the city in a truly majestic ballet of greens and blues.

Now, let's be real, my dear blog followers, what's a trip without the delicious nibbles and tantalising treats that make my heart flutter?

Wellington's Food Symphony

The moment I arrived, my tastebuds danced a jig! I mean, it's all about the food, right? We started our food frenzy with the best coffee in town, brewed to perfection, which went perfectly with the freshly-baked croissants. The pastry chef was clearly an expert – those layers of buttery, flaky delight would melt even the most cynical soul. I could barely wait to share it on my Insta story. My pink tutu wasn't quite pink enough to match this exquisite creation!

Later, I ventured into the Wellington Night Market - a foodie wonderland. From gourmet burgers piled high with flavoursome fillings to vibrant stalls overflowing with delicious delicacies, it was a gastronomic journey through paradise.

Remember how I mentioned that my trip wouldn’t be complete without a trip to a ballet class? Well, I didn’t forget about my tutu twirling adventures either! I managed to find a gorgeous ballet studio tucked away in the heart of the city – how lucky! The class was bursting with enthusiasm, a vibrant energy that made me feel right at home. The teacher was an absolute darling – encouraging, supportive, and oh-so-passionate.

Where The Wild Things Are!

My Wellington adventure wasn't solely focused on food and ballet! I took a scenic drive to the Zealandia Ecosanctuary, a haven for endangered native species. Imagine my delight as I watched cheeky weta scurrying up the trees, and heard the haunting cries of the little blue penguins. I was mesmerised, not to mention I managed to get some gorgeous photos that perfectly captured the pinkness of my latest tulle creation!

You know me – it was pink and perfect.

Dancing Through Wellington's Cultural Canvas

You can’t mention Wellington without mentioning the city's rich artistic tapestry! A city that truly understands the value of its creative energy, Wellington oozes cultural magnetism!

On our second night, we found ourselves immersed in the magical world of the New Zealand Opera! It was simply spellbinding! We watched a captivating performance of Bizet's Carmen with its dramatic story and incredible singing, and all while I sat nestled in my very own plush box seat. It's not hard to imagine me slipping into that passionate world of music and movement. It made me yearn for the day when everyone can experience the magic of the performing arts – but of course, in their own fabulous pink tutu!

Oh, did I mention that there are some of the most talented street performers in the world in this magical city? I lost track of the number of talented guitarists and dancers that stopped me in my tracks. They are some of the most talented people I’ve met, each unique with their own musical and dance flare, so inspiring!

The beauty of Wellington truly unfolded as we discovered quirky museums, buzzing art galleries and the bustling Te Papa museum. Every turn in the city led to new adventures, and I couldn't help but fall head over heels for its captivating spirit.

Pink Paradise!

There's something so wonderfully vibrant and energetic about Wellington, you feel it in every cobbled street, in the colourful street art adorning every building, even in the warmth of its cafe culture. It felt like I was wrapped in a comforting embrace as I wandered through the charming courtyards and discovered hidden laneways. The sheer artistry of Wellington is astounding. Even my pink tutu blended into this artistic paradise perfectly.

If you’re thinking about your next adventure – a place where food is a form of art, where ballet becomes a passionate form of expression and wildlife is truly in its element - Wellington should be at the top of your list! You know where to find me, darling – don’t be shy, drop me a comment and let’s have a little chat!

Until my next adventure, twirl with joy!

Emma x


#TutuBlog 2022-08-13 in Wellington with a food themed tutu.