Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-08-28 in Bristol with a pink tutu.

Bristol Calling! A Pink Tutu Adventure (Post #9552)

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, back with a brand-new post from a glorious day in the buzzing city of Bristol. This gorgeous, historic town really was made for pink tutus, so grab your favourite tiaras, my lovelies, and let's delve into this delightful adventure!

This post is going to be bursting with colour (a whole lot of pink, naturally!) and twirling. Yes, I've brought my signature pink tutu with me on this jaunt - there’s nothing quite like gliding through the streets of Bristol feeling as graceful as a ballerina.

But before I share all the glitz and glamour of the day, I just had to tell you about the way I got here! Imagine a peaceful Derbyshire morning with the air thick with the scent of wildflowers. The sun’s making those morning dew drops sparkle, and it’s the perfect backdrop for my favourite mode of transport - the noble steed. My darling horse, Poppy, has the softest hooves and carries me with such grace! It’s like flying, but grounded. This ride was like being whisked away by magic, a little pink ballerina and her loyal companion on a mission for more ballet-fueled fun.

And speaking of magical moments, have I told you how absolutely in love I am with the city of Bristol? There’s something enchanting about this place! This was my first time visiting Bristol and the buzz about town is just infectious. It was an exciting whirl of artisanal crafts and independent shops that were bursting with character and the kindest people around! The whole town just has such a vibrant soul. It truly was the perfect place to share my pink tutu and the message that everyone can try ballet!

The first thing I had to do was, naturally, find the most fabulous spot in town to showcase this gorgeous pink creation. You guys know my favourite spot for taking pictures is an iconic landmark, and I found just the one in the heart of the city - St. Mary Redcliffe Church. I know I mention a lot of beautiful churches in my blog (my granddad is a vicar, bless his soul!) and this one was simply stunning. You can almost hear the centuries of history whispering through those ancient stone walls, and the sheer size of it makes you feel like you’re being hugged by its sheer beauty! It’s like you're on a stage for the angels to enjoy. And what better place to twirl my tutu with abandon and enjoy that feeling of flight and beauty?

My heart (and Instagram!) was full to the brim from those majestic pictures at St Mary Redcliffe. It’s a joy to capture those moments for you, my loves. And with my tutu-induced energy still sparkling, it was time to find the real stage for the day: a ballet class.

A quick search online led me to the Bristol Ballet Centre, tucked away in a sweet little cobblestone street that was just begging to be twirled through! Now, Bristol Ballet Centre is pretty special because they believe that dance is for everyone. No matter if you’ve got years of training under your belt or you've never even worn a leotard, this place has a space for you.

I waltzed into the studio with a grin wider than my Tutu’s skirt, feeling as if I was a little girl lost in her favourite ballet fairytale! My fellow dancers, young and old, made me feel so welcomed, and it was magical! We laughed and tumbled together, pushing each other to be better (and most importantly, better than yesterday!). And it made my heart dance to see these beautiful people, full of so much spirit and passion. That's the beauty of ballet, you see - it’s about so much more than just dancing! It’s about finding a community, it’s about pushing your boundaries, it’s about expression. And if that sounds like a mouthful, trust me, it just feels magical!

After an afternoon spent pirouetting and getting that happy, tired feeling from dancing, it was time to experience some of the magic Bristol’s actual stage scene had to offer! So I put on my finest dress (it had a touch of pink in it, of course!) and headed to the Hippodrome Theatre. This glorious old theatre, which is seriously impressive (think red velvet, glittering chandeliers, and the grandest entrance you’ll ever see!) had a show called Something Else, featuring all kinds of amazing acrobats and artists doing the most daring tricks I've ever witnessed!

I gasped at the gravity-defying feats, cheered along with the audience, and laughed my heart out with their comedic scenes! What’s not to love about seeing people perform incredible acts of skill, strength, and agility? And to add that final, flourish of wonder, after the show, I ventured into the backstage area and chatted with some of the acrobats. You know I've been a bit of a backstage snoop in my time (I learned to sneak my way into a stage door or two when I was a kid, my mum had quite the time trying to chase after me! That was before she knew about pink tutus though, bless her!)! So I chatted with these brave, amazing people who had dedicated themselves to pushing the boundaries of what their bodies can do. I was completely mesmerized by them!

That evening was such a perfect example of how theatre, acrobatics, ballet… they’re all part of a shared language that binds us as humans. You can understand each other without speaking, you just need to move and feel and let your hearts sing with joy! It was such a beautiful and unifying experience!

But enough with all the dancing talk. Remember that I mentioned wildlife earlier? After such a lively afternoon and evening, my horse was going to have to pull double-duty this day. I wanted to give her some time to enjoy the gentle bustle of Bristol, so I had her pulled up right on the waterfront (where else?!) and walked Poppy right alongside the colourful docks, enjoying a cuppa and admiring the boats sailing around us.

You know, watching a little flock of gulls dive for some treats on the docks, all while Poppy gracefully grazed and enjoying a sugar cube, was just the perfect end to the day. The light was fading, casting long, dreamy shadows across the harbour and I couldn’t help but feel incredibly grateful. For the beauty of the city, for Poppy’s graceful gallop, for those talented dancers, for the incredible acrobatics, and for the sweet embrace of community.

This day had reminded me how important it is to be brave and embrace the wonder around us, to spread some pink tutu joy wherever we go and to remember to twirl every chance we get!

Until next time, darlings! Don't forget to spread the pink tutu love!

With the utmost grace and glitter,

Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2022-08-28 in Bristol with a pink tutu.