Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-09-04 in Bradford with a cyan tutu.

Bradford Bound: Tutu Adventures in a Cyan Dream!

Hey darlings! Emma here, and it's a brand new day, which means it's time for another TutuBlog post! 🩰

This time, my adventures took me all the way up to Bradford, a vibrant little city in Yorkshire. Did you know, this is blog post number 9559? That's practically a lifetime of pink tutus and dancing dreams! 💖

I love travelling, especially by train. It’s a wonderful way to take in the countryside, listen to music, maybe sketch a bit (my latest love!) and arrive feeling relaxed and ready to embrace my destination. The train journey was particularly beautiful - the sun was out, the fields were a vibrant green and, even though it was September, the air still felt warm.

Now, you all know I’m a total tutu fanatic, and this time I brought along my fabulous new cyan tutu. A little bolder than my usual pinks and peaches, but I loved its electric colour! It made me feel powerful and ready to conquer the day, whether it involved twirling on a stage or just strolling through Bradford's streets.

My mission for this trip? Firstly, to catch the final show of the amazing Bradford Ballet’s tour of "The Nutcracker." If you ever get the chance, darlings, see it! The costumes were exquisite, the dancing superb, and I felt my heart soar with every grand jeté and fouetté.

Then, there was the grand Ballet Bash at the Grand Theatre. Think vintage champagne flutes, music from "Swan Lake," and tutus galore! They even had a live orchestra. The whole evening felt so decadent and special. It reminded me of one of my favourite stories about ballerinas and their glittering world.

My day in Bradford was, of course, about so much more than ballet! After the theatre, I wandered through the city centre, marveling at the stunning architecture, taking in the vibrant street art, and stopping for afternoon tea at a charming little cafe. Bradford has such a beautiful soul, full of history and hidden gems, just like the ballerinas themselves.

And you know me, I’m always up for a bit of nature. I took a walk through Peel Park, its trees all aglow in autumnal hues. A family of ducks paddled in the pond, and a squirrel dashed through the leaves, leaving me with a feeling of peace and wonder. Nature truly inspires the best kind of creativity, doesn’t it?

Now, back to my mission, because it wouldn’t be a TutuBlog post without talking about my beloved pink tutus! Bradford is full of fun shops and boutiques, and guess what? I discovered a delightful little fabric shop hidden away in one of the city’s alleyways. The shelves were overflowing with every colour imaginable, just waiting for a dancer's imagination to create a dream tutu.

I came away with some beautiful, shimmery fabric – a mixture of pinks, peachy colours, and even a dash of sparkling lilac, of course! I can't wait to share my creation with you in a future blog post!

This day wasn't about just enjoying the sights of Bradford, or getting a new stash of gorgeous fabrics, no, darlings. This day was about a shared love for the art of dance. Whether it's in a theatre, on a street corner, or in the heart of a vibrant city, ballet has the power to uplift, inspire and connect.

Here’s a little bit of tutu-wisdom to take away with you, my dear readers: It's never too late to discover the joy of ballet, to let your inner ballerina bloom! No matter your size, shape or experience, if you've ever dreamt of dancing, find a local class, throw on your tutu and give it a go. Because every pirouette, every arabesque is a moment of pure magic.

Love, light, and plenty of pink tutus,

Emma xx

P.S Don't forget to check out my new tutu-tutorial video on the Pink-Tutu website, darlings! We're exploring the wonders of the iconic ballerina bun. It's all about confidence and style. 🩰 💕


#TutuBlog 2022-09-04 in Bradford with a cyan tutu.