Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-09-19 in Ilford with a stiff tutu.

Ilford Calling: A Stiff Tutu Takes on the City 🩰

Post #9574 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello darlings!

Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu enthusiast, coming to you live from Ilford! It's a bit of a change from the rolling hills of Derbyshire, but I'm always up for an adventure.

Now, as you all know, my journey began at sunrise this morning. I'm a girl who believes in slow living and appreciating the journey, so no flying for this chick. I took the scenic route, hopping aboard a delightful train and marvelling at the changing landscape – fields giving way to quaint villages, villages turning into bustling towns, all culminating in the urban jungle of London! It was the perfect opportunity to catch up on some reading, lose myself in my favourite ballet playlist, and dream up future outfits for my upcoming performances.

But before I reveal my secret (ahem, a very stiff tutu), let's talk about the real star of the show – Ilford. I must confess, I hadn't heard of it before I embarked on this grand adventure, and now I'm absolutely smitten! It's got this unique blend of historic charm and modern vibrancy that’s just intoxicating. The High Street is bustling with shops and restaurants, the lanes are lined with quirky cafes, and the air is abuzz with laughter and the clinking of glasses. And what's even better, you can practically feel the love for ballet just pulsating through the air – so much so that my own heart almost burst with excitement.

I swear, you'd be hard-pressed to walk two steps without stumbling upon a dance studio, or perhaps an amateur performance at the local community centre! You know I had to investigate! Let's just say that my day was filled with beautiful dancers (both young and old, amateur and seasoned pros), mesmerising music, and a touch of graceful magic that really set my spirit soaring. I felt so inspired!

Speaking of inspiration, my journey wouldn’t be complete without the all-important outfit! Now, as you know, I love a good tutu – it's just my go-to outfit for pretty much any occasion, be it a trip to the shops, a stroll through the park, or even a leisurely trip to the theatre. But today, darling, my tutu had a secret… it was stiff.

I'm talking, seriously stiff, the kind of tutu that almost stands on its own! (For those who haven't tried it, imagine a stiff, thick netting, meticulously hand-stitched to give you that iconic ballerina silhouette.) I mean, just picture it: me, a pink-loving tutu girl, walking into this city in a giant tutu with layers of tulle that would rival the grandeur of Buckingham Palace. You just know the people of Ilford weren’t ready.

And the best part? They loved it! Every passerby, from young children with sparkling eyes to older couples holding hands, seemed to be beaming. I could almost hear whispers of “What is she doing? But it's so adorable! I need a tutu!”. I couldn't resist, darling. I held a mini-tutu workshop right there in the street, showing people how to hold a pose, and the joy radiating off those faces was pure sunshine. One sweet grandmother even gave me a little hug and a thank you for making her day.

It’s about making the world a bit more fun, a little bit more whimsical. And in the world of fashion, why can't a stiff, glorious tutu be part of the fun? My mission, as always, is to bring the world together through the magic of ballet, and perhaps a splash of pink! Because why limit ourselves to regular old jeans and t-shirts when we could be twirling around in glorious tulle? It’s time to unleash the dancer in all of us! I mean, come on, it’s just fun!

So there you have it – Ilford has stolen a little piece of my heart! You really shouldn’t underestimate the beauty of the little things in life, like the smile on a child’s face when they see you twirl, or the shared passion for art in a little town that’s known for its hustle. I’ll be sharing some of the incredible performances and ballet spots in my next blog.

Until next time darlings!

Lots of love,


P.S: And a friendly reminder - my ultimate dream is to bring everyone together with pink tutus! You know the deal, if you see me, come up, and I'll teach you to twirl! It’s all about the community, the dance, and spreading the joy, one pink tutu at a time. 😉

#TutuBlog 2022-09-19 in Ilford with a stiff tutu.