Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-09-28 in Sale with a european style tutu.

#TutuBlog 2022-09-28: A Parisian Dream in Pink! (Post #9583)

Bonjour, my darlings! Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the City of Lights – Paris, my love! Oh, the romance! The history! The stunning architecture, the incredible food and...the tutus!

Paris truly is the capital of tutus. Just wandering the streets feels like you're walking through a fairytale – with all the pretty boutiques, cobbled streets and elegant architecture, I swear I heard a string quartet playing "Swan Lake" in the distance. And of course, you simply can't resist trying on a tutu while you're there, can you?

Speaking of which, my dear friend Sophia (a fellow ballerina from Derbyshire) joined me on this Parisian escapade. Now, Sophia, she's got impeccable taste, she does. She managed to snag the most incredible vintage tutu in a little hidden boutique off the Champs-Élysées, all cream lace and soft pink tulle, so dreamy! It even had a matching headpiece – we felt like real-life ballerinas from a classic French ballet!

We spent a whole afternoon in that delightful little boutique. The owner, a woman called Madame Chantal, had such a story! She spoke of her days as a prima ballerina in the 1950s, how she'd dance in the ballet companies around Europe, her beautiful costume collections... It was so inspiring, you wouldn't believe it. Even Sophia, who's a bit more of a “modern-style” ballet fan than a classic, was enthralled.

Of course, we couldn't resist spending some time in the Paris Opera House – what a breathtaking venue! I mean, it's almost as stunning as the London Royal Opera House, just imagine. Even a simple rehearsal of "Giselle" sent shivers down my spine – you could feel the energy, the history, the legacy of ballet that radiated from those hallowed halls.

We managed to get some fabulous photos in the grand foyer, wearing our new tutus of course, but let's be honest, you can't wear your fanciest tutu every day! Sophia was lucky enough to grab some cute little ballet flats that went with her vintage tutu – it was truly the ultimate Parisian outfit! Me, I went with a gorgeous dusty pink dress with a classic ballerina neckline, to capture the romance of Paris without looking like I was going straight to the stage.

The following day, we wandered through the Tuileries Gardens, with their manicured lawns and pretty fountains. It felt so incredibly serene after the energy of the opera house, and Sophia and I decided it was time to catch up on all things ballet. We did a spot of impromptu ballet training – a couple of pliés, some graceful jumps – amidst the fountains and roses! The locals looked on in amusement, it was so much fun! We even met a little boy who was dressed as a little prince! I had a little impromptu tutu chat with his mother – she said he wanted to wear the princess tutu every day! You’ve got to admit, pink is so powerful and a girl never really grows out of wanting a pink tutu, do they?

One thing Paris has in spades is fantastic little cafés with outdoor seating, so we couldn't resist stopping for afternoon tea at one called "La Maison Rose", where the walls were actually a stunning shade of dusty pink! The perfect place for a girl who loves all things pink! Sophia tried their traditional pain au chocolat, whilst I had the "crème brûlée – truly divine, but maybe not for those counting their calories.

Sophia wanted to visit the Musée Rodin, with the famous statue of 'The Thinker', and, frankly, I can't resist any chance to visit a sculpture garden. Sophia didn't really 'get' the statue's significance, and said, "Surely, a ballet dancer has a far more interesting thinking pose!", but I'd like to say that sculpture can inspire some really amazing choreographic ideas for your ballet class!

We had the chance to wander around the Jardin des Plantes – it was amazing, it reminded me so much of Kew Gardens, just a touch more continental in style. And the best part? I got to see a penguin in the middle of Paris! That was something I wasn’t expecting to see, to be honest! Who'd have thought, a penguin so close to the Eiffel Tower, amazing!

It got us talking about wildlife, and Sophia, who adores the animal kingdom, pointed out that we don't really see wildlife in the same way here in Derbyshire, which reminded me of our last weekend – a wild trek through the Peak District! You should see our Instagram pictures! All those babbling brooks and wild flowers… We even came across some amazing wildlife photography exhibitions in Bakewell!

But back to the city of lights – that romantic view from the top of the Eiffel Tower never gets old, trust me. You know, even the Eiffel Tower looks amazing when you see it from a horse-drawn carriage – that’s another quintessential Parisian experience, and of course, you gotta get a picture! Sophia wasn't so sure about this one; “She didn't love the way the horses smelt," as she put it. But they are majestic creatures and their slow-paced carriage rides provide a unique, dreamy way to see the city. It's just another magical touch to that wonderful city.

And then the day had to come – it was time to say ‘au revoir’ to Paris. Now, the great thing about European travel is that there are just so many options! We opted for a classic Eurostar journey, which we all know is the perfect way to arrive and depart – so chic, and such a great view out of the windows! We even had a bit of time to do some ‘shopping for pink’ - a trip to Galeries Lafayette would not be complete without getting at least a pair of pink ballerina flats – just like my last one. (But hey, when it looks good you wear it!) And Sophia got a new vintage tutu! Of course! It’s just amazing how many amazing tutus there are, it is truly the city of dreams!

Of course, it's hard to leave Paris – I always end up a little wistful, wishing I could linger longer, dance in a fountain, and have another Pain au Chocolat (or five).

Paris always leaves me inspired, refreshed, and feeling the magic of ballet. Perhaps one day, my darlings, you'll find yourselves in Paris with me. I can't wait for you to feel the Parisian magic for yourselves. And who knows, maybe one day Paris will see every single person wearing a pink tutu! After all, everyone's got a dancer inside, don’t they?

See you all next time, Emma xox

(Check out my blog daily, right here at www.pink-tutu.com to get your daily dose of ballet and pink!)

#TutuBlog 2022-09-28 in Sale with a european style tutu.