
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-10-11 in Basingstoke with a random tutu.

Basingstoke Ballet Bliss - Post #9596

Hello darlings! Emma here, your pink-tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed blogger, bringing you a new post straight from the heart of Hampshire - Basingstoke! It's been a while since I've been out and about, exploring the countryside. I've been tucked away in the studio, working on a few exciting projects I'm going to be telling you about very soon, but you know I just couldn't resist getting out there and bringing a touch of pink tutu magic to a new location!

I'm actually a little bit of a country girl at heart. I was born and raised in beautiful Derbyshire, surrounded by rolling hills and wild countryside. There's just something magical about getting away from the city lights and embracing the fresh air and the quiet beauty of nature. Of course, I couldn't leave home without my trusty travel companion - a gorgeous, bright pink tutu. Itā€™s the perfect combination of chic and whimsical!

Now, if thereā€™s one thing I adore more than my own personal tutu collection, itā€™s seeing other people in them! And it turns out that the good folk of Basingstoke are all about that pink-tutu life! I arrived at the station in a flurry of tulle and fluttery ribbons, and you would have thought I'd been gone for months. Everyone was greeting me like an old friend - all smiles and compliments! Turns out a good pink tutu truly knows how to bring people together.

I had planned to start my Basingstoke ballet adventure by taking in a gorgeous woodland walk - something I hadnā€™t been able to do since a rather embarrassing encounter with a particularly inquisitive squirrel in my Derbyshire home forest. The memory of my near-nut-burglary is a story for another day, however. But, on my walk, I found myself getting carried away, mesmerized by the light filtering through the leaves and the whisper of the wind in the branches. I ended up spinning and twirling, my tutu floating around me like a giant, fluffy pink cloud! Thereā€™s just something about being surrounded by nature that makes me want to move my body, to express myself through dance! I guess that's how I got my nickname, ā€œTwirly Emma!ā€

After a little while, I came to a clearing. In the middle of it stood the most beautiful ancient oak tree, its branches gnarled and twisted like ancient arms. I felt a magnetic pull to it, as if it were calling me to come closer. The leaves danced around me as if I were part of a forest ballet. It felt like the oak was holding stories of ancient magic, secrets of the trees whispering in my ears, secrets that my heart knew. There I was, completely enchanted, surrounded by my own ballet performance with the magnificent oak as my majestic set piece! Oh how I love a good dramatic set piece! I think it may be my favorite part of a performance - other than the tutus of course!

That night, the air hung heavy with a magical scent of sweet honeysuckle and pink lilies - my favorite fragrance. As dusk settled over Basingstoke, I walked to the town center and popped into a charming little bookstore Iā€™d spied on Google Maps earlier. The shop was filled with stories, poetry, and magic. The kind bookseller let me sit in the window with a cup of hot cocoa, and I felt inspired. I sat there and wrote in my journal - another hobby I adore and a part of my creative flow - until it was time to head back to the hotel.

But this isnā€™t all, darling! After the bookshop and my stroll, I just had to go find myself the quintessential Basingstoke ballet experience, something quintessentially local. I needed a traditional pub, of course - but with a twirl. I donā€™t have to tell you what happened next, darling! I found The Plume of Feathers in the town centre - a glorious pub with friendly staff who immediately understood what ā€œtutu-friendlyā€ meant! My pink tutu felt so right at home!

Over a pint of cider and delicious homemade pub food (with extra butter, darling, my motto: when in doubt, butter up!), I met the kindest people who were captivated by my tutu - all smiles and giggles, like they were watching a miniature dance performance. Honestly, you could have convinced me it was a professional, perfectly choreographed ballet in those moments!

Of course, the pub was filled with amazing storytelling, with locals sharing their favorite anecdotes and stories. As I always do on these trips, I shared a little about my ballet travels. Iā€™ve made such wonderful connections over the years just through being true to myself and my love of ballet! Thereā€™s really nothing like it - finding kindred spirits and sharing a little joy with strangers! I found myself telling them about the time I travelled on horseback across the Peak District in a full pink tutu, accompanied by my favorite unicorn named Aurora. (Iā€™m sure you can imagine the sheer amazement of the villagers we rode through - the stories I have!) But anyway, they all laughed with me and encouraged me to share more.

As the night went on, I was even invited to participate in an impromptu ā€œTutu Talent Showā€! The patrons loved it - even if I did accidentally get my tutu stuck on a swinging lampshade (another story for another day - lets just say Iā€™m thankful the pub owner knew how to repair a vintage lightbulb and wasnā€™t offended by my near-defeat!).

So hereā€™s the thing, darlings. I often wonder what I am doing here. A middle-aged (itā€™s all relative!), Derbyshire-born tutu-wearing ballerina who spends her life exploring new locations in pursuit of my true passion - dance and pink, of course. Why not? Because life is an amazing performance and I get to design and create my very own routine. You know what they say! The world is our stage, darlings! I think itā€™s my mission in life to get everyone wearing pink tutus, sharing a little pink-tutu-infused magic in their everyday lives!

To you, I say, Embrace the tutu! Dance with passion! Life is meant to be enjoyed. So grab your favourite pink tutu, twirl around in your home town, visit somewhere new and tell me all about it! And if you find yourself in Basingstoke, say hello - I might be nearby! I am here for every adventure, all the joy and a little bit of sparkle and shine!

Much Love and Tulle Wishes, Emma x


#TutuBlog 2022-10-11 in Basingstoke with a random tutu.