Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-10-19 in Bath with a narrow tutu.

Bath, Baby! 💅 🩰

Post number 9604

Hello my darlings! It's Emma here, bringing you the latest from my tutu-tastic travels, straight from the beautiful city of Bath.

I woke up this morning, sunlight streaming through my window, and knew this day was going to be extra special. There was a lightness in my step, and an even bigger spring in my tutu, all thanks to the amazing news: I'd be catching a train down to Bath to immerse myself in everything this gorgeous city has to offer.

Yes, you heard right – a train! For a girl who prefers to travel like a Victorian princess (think carriages drawn by magnificent steeds, not a Fiat 500 with questionable air conditioning), it's a rare treat to get on the railways and let the scenery whisk past me. But it’s so relaxing to watch the world go by from a window seat, surrounded by my little suitcase overflowing with sparkly accessories, and maybe a good book... and my tutu.

Because, let's face it, one doesn't embark on a grand adventure without a tutu, right? This one was a particularly special one, a lovely, slim-fitting pastel pink affair that looked especially glamorous amongst the backdrop of lush rolling green fields I was watching from the window of the train.

Let's just say I turned a few heads on that journey. But let's be honest - being noticed for my love of pink and tutus is nothing new! I just embrace the joy and encourage you all to do the same! Imagine if we all embraced the things that make us truly feel ourselves - the world would be a much brighter place. And what could be brighter than the dazzling, unparalleled power of a pink tutu!

Anyway, I'm digressing. The journey whizzed by (with some excellent music on my headphones to help!) and I arrived at the station in Bath, a city brimming with elegance and history. The buildings, so grand, the streets so charming, it instantly transported me to another era.

*Now, Bath - that's a city that gets it. * They get the magic of pink tutus. Maybe it's the grand architecture that reminds people of grand tutus. Or the fact that there's so much romance in the air... I don't know. But let's just say that Bath was more than welcoming to this tutu-wearing traveler.

Day one in Bath - After a quick pit-stop to freshen up at a charming little boutique hotel, I couldn't wait to dive in. First up - the iconic Bath Abbey! Just standing outside its breathtaking facade with that tutu swishing, felt like I'd stepped straight into a fairytale! (and of course, my phone went snap, snap, snap throughout - sorry not sorry!)

From there, I followed my nose (and my very strong love of delicious smells) to the famous Bath Street. The aroma of fresh pastries, blooming flowers and warm, spiced tea - a total sensory explosion! Let's be honest, this little street had me at 'hello!' and made me very, very happy. A girl could get used to this lifestyle... (Just think of the amazing blog posts - #dreamlife)

You see, when it comes to travel - I'm a firm believer in experiencing everything a destination has to offer. Food is an essential part of this adventure. Of course, I made a direct beeline for the pastry shop. My favourite pink, perfectly shaped, and fluffy. And what was on my plate alongside that pastry, you ask? Well, it wouldn't be a Tutu Blog without at least one mention of ballet! (Let’s face it – always.) I treated myself to a generous portion of Strawberry Eton Mess. Just a little hint of what I was looking forward to later that evening!

And what better way to explore this magical city than to do it from the back of a horse and carriage. *Just picture it! * A gleaming black carriage drawn by two majestic horses, a lovely man wearing a top hat offering a charmingly polite * "May I assist the lady, Madame?”* And a tutu-clad Emma beaming happily from the seat - what’s not to love?

Our route took us around the city's most beautiful sights, the warm air carrying the sound of horses' hooves on cobblestones as I simply drank in all the sights, smells, and the magical, storybook atmosphere. I felt so fortunate. As a Derbyshire girl, I don’t get to experience things like carriage rides too often - but it truly made me feel like a fairytale princess wandering through a kingdom...

And it's true - that feeling was even more powerful once the day ended with the most magical ballet experience ever. The grand, neoclassical Theatre Royal Bath, with its opulent interior, was absolutely breathtaking! I saw an exquisite performance of 'Sleeping Beauty’ – the music, the storytelling, the athleticism – it simply transported me! For a girl whose life revolves around tutus, dancing, and all things pink, I couldn’t imagine a more perfect way to spend a night. It left me completely enchanted, my mind swirling with dreams and a heart that had expanded tenfold!

*You can see from my photos just how captivated I was by everything this city offers. * The history, the architecture, the beauty… The whole place felt so wonderfully feminine, so…enchanting. Honestly, I almost expected to run into a real-life fairy godmother at any moment… I’m almost tempted to put in a call to my friend Princess Beatrice - surely she’d love a tour of Bath.

And that's how Day one in Bath wrapped up, my lovelies. This was more than just a simple city trip – it felt like an enchanted journey. It was everything a pink-loving ballet lover could ever wish for…

And the best news is – this is just the beginning of my Bath adventure. Tomorrow, I’ll be exploring even more of this amazing city. The Roman Baths, Pulteney Bridge, and the famous Thermae Spa all await! Can’t wait to share all the fabulous things with you!

Stay tuned for my next blog post! And until then – Remember to live life in pink (and a tutu of course)!

Love, Emma.

#TutuBlog 2022-10-19 in Bath with a narrow tutu.