Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-01-23 in Ashton with a italian tutu.

Ashton - Post 9700: Tutu Tales & Italian Charm

Hello, lovelies! It's Emma, your friendly neighbourhood pink-tutu-wearing ballet enthusiast, coming to you live from the picturesque town of Ashton! Yes, my lovelies, Ashton, a quaint gem in the English countryside. You wouldn't think a place with a name like that could have such vibrant Italian energy, but that's the magic of Ashton!

This little adventure started with a delightful train journey, a most elegant and relaxing way to travel, don't you think? I especially enjoy the window view, watching the countryside unfurl, like a beautiful dance onstage, all green and gold and grey, punctuated with little villages and babbling brooks. Such a charming contrast to the bustle of my usual life!

I had on my most beautiful blush pink tutu, naturally, because when is a tutu not a good idea?! You can always wear a tutu, let's be honest. For the train journey, I accessorised with a darling faux fur stole, a hat perched on top, just because I could! The train carriage seemed to take notice, especially that delightful chap in the corner seat, who seemed to stare more at me than the beautiful countryside unfolding beyond the window! He must have loved the pink!

Ashton is brimming with Italian charm, like something straight out of a beautiful old ballet. Imagine my delight when I saw an entire shop dedicated to tutus - it felt like entering the magical wardrobe in Narnia, only instead of a snowy landscape I was surrounded by swathes of pink, lilac and peach! The shopkeeper was like a mischievous pixie, her eyes sparkling with mischief and delight as she showed me the collection, each tutu more breathtaking than the last!

I spent a good hour immersed in the world of tulle and silk, surrounded by vibrant colours and textures. I felt like a princess in a fairy tale. I left with three brand new tutus, one for every occasion! (Honestly, is three enough? I am not so sure...). Of course, there is a special pink one I must show you all next week.

You know, dear readers, sometimes it feels like life is a grand ballet performance, with us all twirling, leaping and falling on this incredible stage of existence! I, for one, wouldn't have it any other way. My passion for ballet permeates everything.

Even my exploration of Ashton, a delightful combination of classic English charm and surprising Italian influences. Imagine a village square with a charming old stone fountain, all lit up with fairy lights, with little shops and restaurants boasting Italian names and colourful awnings - the most enchanting combination, truly.

After lunch at a delightful trattoria (pasta with mushrooms - so good!) I had the pleasure of seeing a small street theatre performance, featuring a group of energetic young street performers in the heart of the square. They were fantastic, such powerful performances! And they were in tutus, too! All pink and shimmering, of course, because it’s the best!

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to getting a bit lost in their dance, picturing myself on stage with them, the energy of the crowd, the twinkling lights - all of it was just so captivating!

Don’t you just love that kind of spontaneity, my dears? Just like ballet, the best things happen when you let go and just dance.

The evening was punctuated with a performance at the local theatre, a beautiful building that would make even the most jaded art critic stand and applaud. They had the most incredible production of 'Giselle', with dancers leaping through the air with the grace of a feather. Oh, to be back on stage myself!

It truly felt like Ashton was an entire performance in itself, a graceful blend of the familiar and the extraordinary, a kind of 'pointe-shoe' symphony orchestrated by the rhythm of life itself!

And you know what, my lovely readers? I'm already planning my next ballet adventure. Perhaps somewhere further afield, some other European gem tucked away, awaiting discovery, awaiting a touch of pink. Who knows? Maybe the Italian village with its pink tutu store isn't so different from a grand Parisian ballet after all?

Life is indeed a grand stage, and for a little pink tutu enthusiast like myself, it's an endlessly captivating ballet. And until the final curtain call, I'm just going to keep dancing!

Don't forget, darling, to wear a tutu today. You never know when the world might call you to twirl.

Emma xoxo


#TutuBlog 2023-01-23 in Ashton with a italian tutu.